On Saturday, we decided to go to the zoo, the little one with American animals. Anywho, little man slept through the main part of the visit, which was fine because it meant bug guy got all the attention, which he loved! We got there around 10 and quickly worked our way through the animals. Focusing a lot of time on the duck pond, which I had actually come prepared for with quarters to feed them, only the machine was jammed. Stupid machine. Oh well.
We then went to the playground which essentially was a disaster! Big guy wanted to go down the biggest and twistiest slide, but not by himself. Hubs went down a few times with him, but then refused. Really, there was a backup if children behind him. So, big guy had a meltdown. Of course. We threatened to leave without going to the zoo shop. Cue hysterics again. We settled down with a soft pretzel and then I convinced him to see the bird show with me in exchange for going to the zoo shop. He agreed. The bird show was actually really good. Big and little birds flew over our heads, ruffling our hair! Big guy was delighted and very chatty. We even got an orange bird feather for donating some money. Which a bird took the dollar out of big guys hand!
Following the bird show, I fed little man and hubs and big guy had lunch. We then bought a stuffed giraffe and got on line to feed real giraffes some romaine lettuce leaves. Then I had the weirdest confluence of people around me! I saw two former students, one I see all the time as he is kind of a bigwig. Then I ran into a girl I went to high school with. She actually remembered my name! I had no clue about her name, only that I knew her from somewhere. And then in complete oddity, we ran into this woman and her son who we had randomly met at a pizza place in our neighborhood last week! So odd. I told hubs that if we see them again, we should become her friend. He agreed. We fed our lovely giraffe friend and then said goodbye to the zoo.
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