Wednesday, September 24, 2014

we've been sick

Big guy got a cold this weekend.  Followed by his normal routine of getting a cough. Cue the nebulizer.  But this time is the added complication that he is being really difficult about going #2 on the potty!  As in crying, screaming, hysteria when mentioning the potty.  I called the dr last week because we were battling, and I was losing the battle. The nurse said to stop fighting, keep up miralax, and set a time for potty usage.  It worked sort of.  He's still hysterical.  And with the added exhaustion and sickness it's been a not so fun time in our house.

On monday and tuesday, he stayed home.  Then little man and I got the cold.  So, while it's great I wasn't missing work or anything, I was however home with two sick small children.  I'm so tired!!!  Today big guy went to school.  He was not pleased.  But honestly, he needed to be at school and not with me.  He drove me insane yesterday, which means he is healthy enough for school.

Monday, I joined weight watchers again.  I have about 15 pounds to go before pre-pregnancy weight.  And I would like to do it in a sensible way.  I took both boys to the initial meeting.  We were good for 97% of the meeting.  Big guy was up at the front with the teacher helping, answering questions, interrupting...  She was very good spirited about it.  Of course he and I both lost our noodles during the last 5 minutes when she actually was explaining the point system.  As I needed to hear this because they re-did the whole thing since I was on it four years ago with big guy as a baby.  So, I'll have to make do this week.  Oh, and I get 14 extra points for breastfeeding- woo-hoo!  Tuesday, we went to the supermarket and big guy was semi-helpful.  He pushed the cart for me and was talking/harassing all the employees about their jobs.  The guy putting the egg out got a particularly long interrogation!  But then right before we left, big guy pushed the cart down a long aisle and let go.  Luckily, no one was there, because it probably could have killed someone!!!  After freaking out and thoroughly ensuring everyone who was there that they should not have children, we made it home safely.  And now, I am going to feed little man and take a long nap!

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