Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Little man birth story

Memorial Day weekend. I was due on the 31st. I had been checked at 38 weeks and was 3cm dilated. I went to my 39 week appointment and was still 3cm! The dr recommended walking. A lot. So that is what we did all weekend. Luckily the weather was nice and big guy is always up for a walk. We walked to the toy store. To the duck pond. To the supermarket. Everywhere. I was feeling nothing except that I was huge and ready to not be preggo any more. I hadn't made it this far into my pregnancy with big guy. He was a week early! This little man wanted to stay put!

Cue Memorial Day Monday. Uncle E, aunt K and cousin C came over to come swim at our pool and have a BBQ that evening. We had an awesome day. We swam for a few hours. It was pretty hot out, but certainly not sweltering. I just dipped my toes and chatted with aunt K. It was really nice having the time with her alone. Following a few ice cream bars, we went home and hubs made hot dogs, corn on the cob, and I had some fresh fruit and a salad for everyone. We ate heartily and watched movies and laughed a lot. Looking back I'm so glad we had this day because it was our last day as a family of 3!

My back had been bothering me all day. No doubt from all the walking. I couldn't get comfy sleeping either. I got up around 2 to go pee and my water broke. I ran downstairs to where hubs had passed out on the couch and woke him up. Scared him half to death, too! He started yelling and I shushed him because I didn't want him to wake up big guy. We called grandma C, who came over to be with big guy. We headed to the hospital.

I was about 4 cm dilated around 3:30am. I got checked an hour later and was about the same. Some jerk dr came in and rudely told me that I  must not be in labor if I wasn't in a lot of pain! I was glad he was getting off his shift. They started me on pitocin to speed things up. I was definitely nervous. Things progressed rather quickly. And around 10, I was feeling contractions really badly. We ordered the epidural, only after hubs told me to stop being so stubborn. Truthfully, I was afraid of that needle again! I had gotten stabbed twice last time. Turns out, I was going to get stabbed twice again this time. The anesthesiologist had an accent and through the pain and exhaustion I couldn't figure out what the hell he was saying. It was a tense half hour but finally after two jabs and me almost loosing my cool, I was feeling better. I was laying there thinking I could push or take a nap. I told the nurse and she checked me. Dilated to 10!

I opted for the nap and dozed for an hour or two. Then my dr came in and said, let's do this! I did about three sets of four pushes. Maybe over twenty mins and he was out! Very quick. I loved having my dr there the whole time. What a better experience! She coached me, joked with us, and  add me feel so safe. Little man was born on 5/27/14 at 1:34pm. He weighed 8lbs 1oz and was 21 inches long. About the same size as his older brother!!!

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