This past xmas was really cool because big guy finally understood xmas, santa, presents, and the joy of all that entails. We started the excitement when we got the xmas tree following thanksgiving. We have the luxury of having an xmas tree selling spot at the top of our street, which means we can walk up, buy the tree, and then walk it back. And "we" walking it back is hubs holding it and big guy holding a branch. I just try to make sure no one trips. As in years past, hubs asks if they accept credit cards, to which I say no, he doesn't believe me, and so when we make it to the place and they say no, he went to the acme and got some cash. During this time, big guy and I walk around and we found the PERFECT tree. It was really big, like 7 feet and perfectly shaped. It smelled good and we were sold. Hubs was not pleased to have to get this puppy home and in the stand!

We got the tree inside and hubs had to do extensive surgery on the bottom to get it into the stand. But big guy was smitten with the tree. He was in love. He kept hugging the tree, giving it kisses, and asking when we could decorate it. It was very sweet. He also wanted a million pictures with it. He was utterly disappointed to learn we had to wait for it to settle before putting on lights and decorations. But we got to those within a few days.
Funnily enough, big guy had been telling us for months what he wanted for xmas- a green bike! He was kind of obsessed with this movie, "arthur christmas" and in it there is a bike wrapped in green wrapping paper. So, whenever anyone asked what he wanted, he would say a green bike. Adorable!!!
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