Friday, March 15, 2013

twinkle twinkle little star

I'm still here.  The end of february was rough.  we are working on some things.  And I haven't wanted to write.  But this afternoon something happened that I needed to share.  And I think brought me back to equilibrium, somewhat.  I was driving home with big guy from school.  they had a st. patrick's day party today, so we were leaving a little later.  I hear big guy chattering in the back about what he sees outside and then in a sweet and quiet voice, I hear big guy start to sing, twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are...  and he had the tune right and everything.  then I sang it and he joined in.  And then he taught me the hand motions that go along with the song.  I felt immediately better.  then we proceeded to sing it the rest of the night.  And, so I'm back.  More to follow.