Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sippy cup

Big guy had one of those big boy moments last night. We are beginning a week of really hot weather, which means our nighttime strolls can get kind of sticky and steamy. But last night turned out to be really nice, not cool, but not sweltering either. Big guy had his favorite kind of sippy cup- tall with a bendy straw filled with milk and some graham crackers.

Big guy was happily munching on his grahams while hubs and I were chattering down our favorite walking tour. Big guy put down his graham on the tray, picked up his cup, carefully put it in front of him for proper sippage, took a nice long drink, and then put the cup back in it's cup holder on the tray. Then he continued to munch. OMG!

While this might not seem like a big deal, it was definitely a big boy move. See- big guy is a great eater and a great drinker (minds out of the gutter people). At least he drinks really well from cups for me. Ok for hubs and disastrously for most other people. And even though he knows how to pick up his cup and drink, he most often just pushes it towards the person so that they can pick it up. A really great step in the right direction. On the walk this morning he did it again. And it's really impressive that he got it back into the cup holder- I mean, some adults can't even do that. I think we might start a real cup soon!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

15 month Dr's appointment

On monday, big guy had his 15 month appt! I can't believe how old he is, it is amazing. Our Dr was very impressed with all the big guy was doing. The one thing we need to work on is identifying parts of the body. Overall, he's right on track developmentally. We were laughing about how he is such a toddler- essentially melting when he doesn't get his way. well, she did warn us at his 1 year appt that the terrible two's start now!

Bottom molars appear to be very bulgy- and she thinks that he's going to get a whole bunch all at once. the poor thing. Big guy is 33 inches- so 2'9" (92nd %)! And he weighed 25 lbs 11 oz (67th %) and head circumference was at 62nd %. I asked if she was concerned about his weight but she said no, it seemed right for his height. It was a success!

Oh, and we got the green light for honey and possibly peanut butter if we wanted to and there aren't any allergies in the family. Which there aren't. I'm definitely thinking about it. Along with strawberries- big guy would love to run through a strawberry field!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

It was one of those really great days...

Big guy and hubs before the zoo!

Big guy getting to pet a goat for the first time!

Big guy with his favorite animals- the ducks!

Today was absolutely beautiful! Finally, after five days of rain, it was hot and sunny. hubs, big guy, and I went to the zoo! And finally became members, we figured it would pay for parking alone on the amount we go there. Big guy was a bit exhausted, but he had slept well the night before. The past few days he's been a bit temperamental. Totally fine one second and then throwing a very toddler-like fit the next. Complete with screaming, crying, and falling on the floor. Nothing can console him... except being outside or a bubble guppie video.

Anyway, we didn't stay long b/c big guy was in a mood. He also pooped a ton yesterday- it was probably really funny watching me last night. His poor butt was so red and irritated, I was letting him run bottomless. Except he kept pooping everywhere, so I was running around cleaning and trying to get a diaper on him at the same time. probably very funny to watch. I think the irritated butt and being tired made it a short trip.

We saw camels, birds, the children's zoo, and went into the tree house- which is only for members now- fine, now that we are members, but I mean I think it's just a glorified place for people to change their kids diapers. Everyone was doing it. including me!! After a freak out during lunch, we left and hubs & big guy fell asleep. Big guy took a much needed 3 1/2 hour nap! We had dinner and then were playing inside. As we were walking in.... big guy falls and lands face first on the brick pathway.

Blood everywhere, hysterical screaming, it was a mess. He was in some serious pain- even his nose was bleeding. We put on some bubble guppies, while I let him suck on a cold washcloth. Hubs called the dr- who talked us through a thorough exam of his mouth and exam. She thought he hurt his frenulum- the flap of skin connecting your top lip to your gums. We are to look out for yellow snot, loose teeth, anything else bad. And to tell our Dr on monday during his 15 month appt. Geez, and it was shaping up to be such a great day!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Using utensils

Big guy practicing his spoon prowess!

Big guy officially uses utensils! He's not totally proficient at it, but he's just about there. Ever since he started eating food, I've always given him another utensil, spoon or fork. And big guy has always been interested in utensils. Most often in the early days (and sometimes now) it's what settles him down during meals. But over the past few weeks, he's gotten so much better. Now, when he's in front of a bowl of food, he reaches for his spoon and starts to eat it by himself. It's still a messy endeavor but kind of frees me up to eat something, too. probably why I've put on a few pounds recently!!

The fork is a bit more tricky, but only b/c when he scoops food up he tilts the fork and the food falls off. Spoonable foods stay on spoons turned sideways better. But we've been practicing stabbing food with the fork- and we have a lot of fun doing it! I think the funniest is when he can't stab something, so he'll pick it up and put it on the tines of the fork. I know at some point he's going to be super at the whole feeding himself, but it's definitely cool to watch him figure this whole thing out.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

New talents

Big guy walking backwards into the gate. Look at that! He almost has opening it figured out!

Big guy has been very busy recently. And I know all mom's say this, but he's just so smart. For instance, big guy's new favorite word and food for that matter is graham crackers. Only he says, "grahm crak-a!" He pretty much yells it whenever graham crackers are in sight. he even knows where they are in the cupboard. And the other day- he said "goo morn" to my "good morning!"

Big guy has also recently decided that walking backwards is way more fun then forwards and so he backs up all the time, mostly when hubs or I actually want him to go forward!! And the big guy's cleaning skills have definitely continued to impress. For instance, if you ask him to bring something over to kitchen and put it in a bowl/basket, he will go do it. It's just so amazing how quickly he understands what he should do! And it has dramatically helped our cleanliness, b/c now when we are getting ready to go to bed, we can tidy up first!!

Mommy date?

The other day, I ran into a mom in the neighborhood who has an 8 month old girl. We chatted for a little bit and then big guy and I headed to the duck pond. I ran into her again the other day on our way back to the duck pond (hey- it's one of our favorite places!). She mentioned how she would like to accompany us one day. Yeah, sure! Then she pointed out where she lived, the address, and finally suggested exchanging phone numbers! That's right, I got asked out by a mommy.

Though, the more I reflect on it, the more I think she is just desperate for some adult interaction. I mean, I could have been the abominable snowman coming down the street with a toddler and she would have asked me out. But it's the first friend I've made who has only known me as a mommy.

After a mix-up about coming to hang in our front yard, we finally got together this week. The weather was beautiful all week- 70's and sunny. Sigh. Big guy and I usually ate our snack outside and we invited them both to come hang with us one afternoon in the front yard. The little baby isn't too interactive- but after I encouraged it, the mom took her socks off and then baby was in heaven! Big guy mostly wandered around the yard eating graham crackers, talking, and then would come over and pet the baby nicely and hand the other mom grass, leaves, and her baby's socks.

It was a lovely afternoon and I was giving out my thoughts and experiences as a mommy of a toddler. I mean, big guy is awesome, so I'm sure my experience with some stuff is different! I even lent the mom my copy of What to expect the first year- which I constantly read for those first few months, then gradually stopped. All around, I good first mommy date!

Snuggly baby

Hubs and I are incredibly snuggly people. We love hugging, sitting close to each other, holding hands. Anyway, I was skeptical as to whether or not big guy was going to be snuggly. As a baby, he was very snuggly, well, b/c he ate every meal with me and had no other choice! But as a toddler, he is very much on the move, and thus not always in the mood to sit with me. However, then spring break came.

Big guy spent nine days with me uninterrupted. There wasn't a time, except when I showered, where big guy wasn't with me. I think we were both desperate for it. He always wanted hugs, to be picked up, and to sit on my lap. I assume most moms would be pissed off by this development- but not me. I love those hugs. He said "Mama" constantly and even when hubs was home!

My favorite new hug- when I pick him up, he wraps his legs around my waist, his arms around my neck, and rests his head on my shoulder. I instantly am calm when he does this. And since spring break, he's stayed snuggly. I'm so excited summer starts in 5 weeks. I get to be with big guy for 2 whole months. I already have some activities planned, but I'll talk about them more later. For now, I'm enjoying my snuggly baby!


Over the past few weeks- big guy has started to really interact with his surrondings- ok, mostly when the tv is on! When Wills and Kate got married- he stood waving at their carriage as it went by. When his favorite show (for the moment) Bubble Guppies comes on, he has started to dance when they dance and laughs when funny things happen- for instance, when Mr. Grouper makes a face like a squirrel!

And mind you, big guy doesn't watch all that much tv- the news and bubble guppies on But it's cool how all the stuff he does with real people, he knows/has learned that he can do with people on tv. Mensa, here we come!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Blowing bubbles

big guy has always been a fan of bubbles. Who isn't? They are lots of fun. WHo can blow the biggest one? How about a lot of bubbles all at once that swirl around the front yard? Can we pop them all? It's just a ton of fun!

Now big guy is interested in blowing bubbles. We haven't given him the opportunity to blow bubbles outside- but he's been practicing inside. His two favorite places are in the bath tub- where he bends over and blows bubbles in the bath water. Hilarious- big guy also finds himself to be very funny after he does this. But then he inevitably ends up swallowing water and coughing and then he isn't so thrilled with himself.

Our other fun place to blow bubbles is when big guy is drinking from his blue monkey cup with the straw. So fun blowing bubbles in milk, especially when the milk starts foaming out of the cup! Next will be blowing real bubbles!! C'mon summer break!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

I will say that this mother's day is waaaaay better than last year. Mostly b/c as big guy gets older, he just keeps getting better and better. And I don't have him attached to me every two hours!

Today I was treated like a queen. D&D hot chocolate in the morning, Elmwood Park Zoo, and burritos in the evening! And I got a really cute card from hubs and big guy. Tons of naps and lots of fun.

Thanks hubs and big guy- I love being the mommabear in our family. And I think I will still request another pedicure- I wonder what color is in season...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Our new kitchen

The hubs, big guy, and I have decided to re-do the kitchen. Ok, a bit of an overstatement- we're thinking about selling our house and the real estate lady said it needed to be done. Sigh. I'd say before the makeover, our kitchen was "country chic." Now it will be modern!

The only real problem- besides spending all the money, is that my kitchen has been destroyed for over a month. Which wouldn't be a big deal, except that everything from the kitchen is now in the dining room, which makes making meals with a 14 month old big guy a huge challenge! Big guy of course is having a great time with the remodel. He loved having all of the doors off the cabinets. more opportunities to see all the yummy food! He loves the new stove (ok, I do too!). The front has a window you can look through and big guy is endlessly entertained by kissing his reflection.

And big guy is officially a big fan of the Lowe's! We go there every weekend buying something- appliances, countertops, you name it! He just loves to run up and down the aisles screaming with glee at all the stuff. And for the most part, everyone at the Lowe's is very nice about his noise and happiness. Thus far his favorite purchase are the new outlet covers. Small, easy to hold, and covered in crinkly plastic wrap. Effortless to run down a big aisle and stare at the huge ceiling with. And I also think his other favorite thing about the new kitchen is all of the yummy food I've been making. New oven- you are so wonderful!