Friday, September 26, 2014

Little man update

Yesterday we went to breast feeding group. Little man weighed in at 16 pounds 1.5 ounces.  So, he has essentially doubled his birth weight (8lbs1oz)!  Which is great because he technically has until 6 months to do it.  His weight gain has slowed down a lot the past two weeks, but she said that around 4 months is when they slow down naturally with the weight gain.  But I'm pleased and little man is so fun recently!  That is even with the cold.  He has started grabbing his hair and ears, but only on the right side.  It's so funny.  He is also a champ at tummy time.  He really enjoys being on his belly when he's already in good spirits and everyone is home, so that he can check out all the activity.  Tomorrow he turns 4 months old!  I can't believe it.  I feel like he's been a part of our family forever.  And my subconscious must feel the same way.  Last night I dreamed about him.  As my family and friends would tell anyone, I have very vivid dreams that I always remember.  And then like to share with everyone.  Normally, only big guy is in my dreams, but last night little man finally made an appearance.  We were on a family vacation and our room got broken into.  Hubs was holding little man and big guy was standing with me as we walked into our room.  My purse was stolen as were all of little man's clothing.  Odd, I know.  I was more upset about the stolen clothing in my dream!  Glad it was just a dream, but I'm glad all of my boys were finally with me.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

we've been sick

Big guy got a cold this weekend.  Followed by his normal routine of getting a cough. Cue the nebulizer.  But this time is the added complication that he is being really difficult about going #2 on the potty!  As in crying, screaming, hysteria when mentioning the potty.  I called the dr last week because we were battling, and I was losing the battle. The nurse said to stop fighting, keep up miralax, and set a time for potty usage.  It worked sort of.  He's still hysterical.  And with the added exhaustion and sickness it's been a not so fun time in our house.

On monday and tuesday, he stayed home.  Then little man and I got the cold.  So, while it's great I wasn't missing work or anything, I was however home with two sick small children.  I'm so tired!!!  Today big guy went to school.  He was not pleased.  But honestly, he needed to be at school and not with me.  He drove me insane yesterday, which means he is healthy enough for school.

Monday, I joined weight watchers again.  I have about 15 pounds to go before pre-pregnancy weight.  And I would like to do it in a sensible way.  I took both boys to the initial meeting.  We were good for 97% of the meeting.  Big guy was up at the front with the teacher helping, answering questions, interrupting...  She was very good spirited about it.  Of course he and I both lost our noodles during the last 5 minutes when she actually was explaining the point system.  As I needed to hear this because they re-did the whole thing since I was on it four years ago with big guy as a baby.  So, I'll have to make do this week.  Oh, and I get 14 extra points for breastfeeding- woo-hoo!  Tuesday, we went to the supermarket and big guy was semi-helpful.  He pushed the cart for me and was talking/harassing all the employees about their jobs.  The guy putting the egg out got a particularly long interrogation!  But then right before we left, big guy pushed the cart down a long aisle and let go.  Luckily, no one was there, because it probably could have killed someone!!!  After freaking out and thoroughly ensuring everyone who was there that they should not have children, we made it home safely.  And now, I am going to feed little man and take a long nap!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Xmas tree 2013

This past xmas was really cool because big guy finally understood xmas, santa, presents, and the joy of all that entails.  We started the excitement when we got the xmas tree following thanksgiving.  We have the luxury of having an xmas tree selling spot at the top of our street, which means we can walk up, buy the tree, and then walk it back.  And "we" walking it back is hubs holding it and big guy holding a branch.  I just try to make sure no one trips.  As in years past, hubs asks if they accept credit cards, to which I say no, he doesn't believe me, and so when we make it to the place and they say no, he went to the acme and got some cash.  During this time, big guy and I walk around and we found the PERFECT tree.  It was really big, like 7 feet and perfectly shaped.  It smelled good and we were sold.  Hubs was not pleased to have to get this puppy home and in the stand!

We got the tree inside and hubs had to do extensive surgery on the bottom to get it into the stand.  But big guy was smitten with the tree.  He was in love.  He kept hugging the tree, giving it kisses, and asking when we could decorate it.  It was very sweet.  He also wanted a million pictures with it.  He was utterly disappointed to learn we had to wait for it to settle before putting on lights and decorations.  But we got to those within a few days.

Funnily enough, big guy had been telling us for months what he wanted for xmas- a green bike!  He was kind of obsessed with this movie, "arthur christmas" and in it there is a bike wrapped in green wrapping paper.  So, whenever anyone asked what he wanted, he would say a green bike.  Adorable!!!

Thanksgiving 2013

Ok, a little back up here to thanksgiving of last year.  We packed up and headed to great aunt H's apartment in ny.  This year, my mom's whole family came for dinner so there were going to be a lot more people.  And I told my mom that she could announce that I was pregnant!  Which she was more than happy to do,  She had known since about 6 weeks because she had come to visit and I was throwing up everywhere, so we had told her.

Anywho, our journey was fraught with disaster.  Only an hour into our drive big guy had mercifully fallen asleep but only to be awakened when I had to stop because I was getting a speeding ticket!  Then he was awake and asked every five minutes if we were going to see gmom dino.  It was a long car ride... made even longer because we got caught in two huge traffic jams.  The same ride the year before took twice as long,  Four hours. With a 3 year old.  Sigh.  They ate appetizers without us but we finally made it!

Everyone except big guy ate and enjoyed their time together.  big guy watched tv on the giant flatscreen.  We left shortly after dinner to go to our swanky hotel.  We slept in luxury once again.  The next morning we met with gmom dino and pop pop at great aunt H's apartment for bagels and coffee.  Following lots of hugs, we went to the big toys r us and did some pre-x-mas shopping,  Then we stopped to have lunch with the rest of my mom's family at an italian restaurant.  we had quite the feast but then big guy lost his noodle, so left for home, but of course stopped to get some real nyc bagels, which we ate for dinner!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Busy Saturday

We were incredibly busy on saturday.  We had music class with mr. j in the morning.  It was really fun because we hadn't been to his class since big guy was about one year old. The house still looked the same, as did mr. j and ironically, the music was familiar. (apparently, he runs it on a three year cycle!) Big guy was unsure on the way there, probably since he had to leave the tv.  But he had a great time! He danced, clapped, sang, and most adorably, was immediately smitten with this little one year old girl.  He kept hugging her, helping her do the activities, giving her instruments.  it was very sweet.  And her dad was pretty chill, too. I said to him, "Guess you can tell he's desperate for his brother to be older?" He looked at me and said, "Can you blame him? I bet you are, too." Good point! Little man had lots of fun, too.  He was enraptured with mr j and his guitar.  But he stayed awake the whole time and didn't freak out. Not that I thought he would, big guy is certainly louder than music class!

After music class, everyone ate lunch and hubs and little man napped a bit.  Then we were off to a friend's bday party.  Again, both the boys did an excellent job.  Big guy ran around like a crazy person playing with everything he could. Though admittedly, he was the best behaved of all the boys.  Little man played and hung out with me while I chatted with other moms.  We only stayed a short time which was for the best, everyone was exhausted!!  And everyone slept wonderfully that night!!


Some days, little man and I are really productive.  For instance, Tuesday of last week, we... went to supermarket, did two loads of laundry, unloaded and reloaded dish washer, made tacos for dinner, put away laundry and managed to both eat and nap.  A good day. Other days are less productive.  Mondays are usually pretty slow.  Mostly because we are so exhausted from big guy during the weekend! Little man usually naps the entire day, usually while he's eating, so I'm held captive, seeing as I have the food source. No joke.  Anywho, we so far today have run the dishwasher and I've taken a shower.  It's at least semi-productive!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Yesterday was big guy's first day of pre-K! I was a bit nervous because we had missed friday due to an upset belly and general exhaustion.  Big guy had been telling me all weekend that he "was never going to school ever again." I convinced him that he needs tp go to school because it's his job.  Like how daddy goes to work.  And how I'm home with little man until he's npt a baby and then I'll go back to work.  Which then opened up an entire gender discussion where big guy told me mommy's don't go to work, they stay at home and buy food and stay with babies. Interesting...

Anywho, following that we made it to school.  Ms. D, who is very loud and a bit intimidating was there, she is the assistant.  I stayed for a bit.  We put his lunch box in the fridge.  Signed in at the board.  He had to write his full name, which only caused him minimal concern.  (the second day he did it all by himself!) Then ms D asked if he wanted breakfast, and he said yes.  So, little man and I went to choose a cereal with him.  Golden grahams if you were curious.  Then he sat and ate while I chatted with ms D.  Then he got up and sprinted while squealing through the room making one lap before going up to the loft area to read a book.  I said bye and got a huge smile in return!

When I picked him up, ms D said he had a good day.  Naptime was the only time he was upset because he fell asleep late and woke up crying.  big guy said to me that Ms K, the teacher, had yelled at him for not going to sleep.  They had learned about humpty dumpty and big guy let me know as we were leaving that he wanted eggs for dinner! We went over to petco to see the fish tanks, had dinner and spent time outside before hubs came home for bath and bed.

up for grabs

Little man has started grabbing everything.  My hair, his hair, his ears.  He grabs at his clothing, especially his pants, which sometimes makes it look like he's hiking them up so he won't trip or something.  Shirts are now instantly seized.  He grabs fingers to shove into his mouth.  Because at the same time, anything he grabs immediately goes into his mouth,  towels after bath time.  All of his rattles. He's eyeing up his feet, clearly trying to figure out how to get them into his mouth!  All in good time.  The great thing is that he's so proficient at grabbing and thus keeps on developing and growing,  It's so fun to watch!

Sunday, September 7, 2014


This past thursday, little man and I went to breastfeeding group as usual.  Little man weighed in at a whopping 15 pounds 8 oz!!!  Quite the tank.  Also, he perfected the wet, drooly raspberry!  I've been doing them for a few weeks and he's done them randomly.  But thursday was a turning point. He kept doing them and hurling drool everywhere, it was awesome!!!  I love a ggod raspberry!

Baby hulk

I'm jumping a bit in posts recently, but I remembered this tidbit from when little man had just been born.   Hubs had bought big guy this hideous hulk doll for graduation from pre-school, which he had named baby hulk.  Baby hulk slept on a pillow in big guy's room, we even put baby hulk in a newborn diaper.  Additionally, baby hulk drank milk.  Yes, big guy would proclaim that baby hulk was thirsty, then he would lift up his shirt on one side and drink like he was nursing him. Then there would be a some pats on the back to elicit a burp.  Then it was nap time.  Anywho, it was really cute.  Skip ahead to the next show and tell friday, big guy brings in baby hulk.  I come pick big guy up from school and ms C says, "big guy taught everyone about breastfeeding today! He demonstrated with baby hulk as a visual."  She wasn't amused, whereas I thought it was rather funny.  I told her as long as we don't get any parent phone calls, we should be in the clear!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Little man birth story

Memorial Day weekend. I was due on the 31st. I had been checked at 38 weeks and was 3cm dilated. I went to my 39 week appointment and was still 3cm! The dr recommended walking. A lot. So that is what we did all weekend. Luckily the weather was nice and big guy is always up for a walk. We walked to the toy store. To the duck pond. To the supermarket. Everywhere. I was feeling nothing except that I was huge and ready to not be preggo any more. I hadn't made it this far into my pregnancy with big guy. He was a week early! This little man wanted to stay put!

Cue Memorial Day Monday. Uncle E, aunt K and cousin C came over to come swim at our pool and have a BBQ that evening. We had an awesome day. We swam for a few hours. It was pretty hot out, but certainly not sweltering. I just dipped my toes and chatted with aunt K. It was really nice having the time with her alone. Following a few ice cream bars, we went home and hubs made hot dogs, corn on the cob, and I had some fresh fruit and a salad for everyone. We ate heartily and watched movies and laughed a lot. Looking back I'm so glad we had this day because it was our last day as a family of 3!

My back had been bothering me all day. No doubt from all the walking. I couldn't get comfy sleeping either. I got up around 2 to go pee and my water broke. I ran downstairs to where hubs had passed out on the couch and woke him up. Scared him half to death, too! He started yelling and I shushed him because I didn't want him to wake up big guy. We called grandma C, who came over to be with big guy. We headed to the hospital.

I was about 4 cm dilated around 3:30am. I got checked an hour later and was about the same. Some jerk dr came in and rudely told me that I  must not be in labor if I wasn't in a lot of pain! I was glad he was getting off his shift. They started me on pitocin to speed things up. I was definitely nervous. Things progressed rather quickly. And around 10, I was feeling contractions really badly. We ordered the epidural, only after hubs told me to stop being so stubborn. Truthfully, I was afraid of that needle again! I had gotten stabbed twice last time. Turns out, I was going to get stabbed twice again this time. The anesthesiologist had an accent and through the pain and exhaustion I couldn't figure out what the hell he was saying. It was a tense half hour but finally after two jabs and me almost loosing my cool, I was feeling better. I was laying there thinking I could push or take a nap. I told the nurse and she checked me. Dilated to 10!

I opted for the nap and dozed for an hour or two. Then my dr came in and said, let's do this! I did about three sets of four pushes. Maybe over twenty mins and he was out! Very quick. I loved having my dr there the whole time. What a better experience! She coached me, joked with us, and  add me feel so safe. Little man was born on 5/27/14 at 1:34pm. He weighed 8lbs 1oz and was 21 inches long. About the same size as his older brother!!!

Happenstance encounters at the zoo

On Saturday, we decided to go to the zoo, the little one with American animals. Anywho, little man slept through the main part of the visit, which was fine because it meant bug guy got all the attention, which he loved! We got there around 10 and quickly worked our way through the animals. Focusing a lot of time on the duck pond, which I had actually come prepared for with quarters to feed them, only the machine was jammed. Stupid machine. Oh well.

We then went to the playground which essentially was a disaster! Big guy wanted to go down the biggest and twistiest slide, but not by himself. Hubs went down a few times with him, but then refused. Really, there was a backup if children behind him. So, big guy had a meltdown. Of course. We threatened to leave without going to the zoo shop. Cue hysterics again. We settled down with a soft pretzel and then I convinced him to see the bird show with me in exchange for going to the zoo shop. He agreed. The bird show was actually really good. Big and little birds flew over our heads, ruffling our hair! Big guy was delighted and very chatty. We even got an orange bird feather for donating some money. Which a bird took the dollar out of big guys hand!

Following the bird show, I fed little man and hubs and big guy had lunch. We then bought a stuffed giraffe and got on line to feed real giraffes some romaine lettuce leaves. Then I had the weirdest confluence of people around me! I saw two former students, one I see all the time as he is kind of a bigwig. Then I ran into a girl I went to high school with. She actually remembered my name! I had no clue about her name, only that I knew her from somewhere. And then in complete oddity, we ran into this woman and her son who we had randomly met at a pizza place in our neighborhood last week! So odd. I told hubs that if we see them again, we should become her friend. He agreed. We fed our lovely giraffe friend and then said goodbye to the zoo.


This week marks big guy's transition to pre-K. That's right, I have a child who is in a real class and who will next year at this time be in kindergarten!!  On a school bus!! In a classroom with desks!!  I'm freaking out! It's exciting, don't get me wrong. He's ready. His brain power continually astonishes me as does the things he says to me. So much logic sometimes. But it's sad because I love his teacher he has had all this year. She's awesome and loves him. And has fostered so much growth and education into big guy.

Two weeks ago we started talking about this move to his new class. At first there was denial. Now he understands but is nervous about bit having ms c. Today, he was sad. And admittedly tired, as he was up every five minutes between 1-2:30 this morning. He was sensitive. He wouldn't let me leave right away, instead taking me to the fridge. The sink for a drink. Then he told me he was tired and wanted to lay down at home. Then the big tears started! Oh, ms C scooped him up and he quietly sobbed into her shoulder saying he was sad. Then I started to cry. We got him calm. Alternating hugging and kissing me and gripping onto ms C. I'm pretty sure he isn't going to let go at all this week. So, we are all ready, logically, but it's bittersweet to see him move on.

3 months baby

Little man turned three months old last week! I can hardly believe it. He's getting out of the infant stage- thank goodness-and into the baby stage.  And he's doing an excellent job at all his skills. Belly laughs. Attempting raspberries. Drooling. Rolling over. Good head and neck control. Grabbing stuff. Paying attention to people. Growing- he weighed in at 15 pounds 2 ounces last week! Not the crazy tank big guy was, but he's no pipsqueak! He's doing really well according to lactation consultant T, who was there the whole time with big guy. Whew! I'm loving this growing up and seeing how he's so similar to big guy when he was this age. Very busy. Always moving, babbling and laughing. Very alert and checking stuff out. It's just awesome! I try not yo get ahead of myself too much, but I keep saying to big guy, he's going to sit up soon, then crawl, then walk.... And start eating! I can't help it! It's so awesome getting to experience this all over again. I'm so blessed!!