Sunday, June 24, 2012

Small children... The new college?

A friend of mine and I were talking the other day about how she ate grilled cheese, yogurt, and fruit for the first few years of her kids lives. I made a joke that having small kids is like going to college, but is this true? One- you are awake at all hours of the night. College was to hang with friends. Parenthood to hang with sick kids. Two- eating the same food every night and at weird times. College might have been cereal. For me it was a bagel with cream cheese. And parenthood is very similar. Pretty much whatever can be eaten with one hand while standing and holding a baby in the other hand. Three- learning about gender roles. College was taking my first women studies class, learning about myself and what it meant to be a woman. Parenthood was figuring out breast feeding and that ideas all on my own during the day. Women's roles in the home. The importance of fathers in the whole process. Four- thinking each stage will last forever. College was the best time and it felt like it was going to be a long time. Although I felt like it went way faster than high school. Parenthood definitely has it spurts and stops. Rig now we are in the thick of toddlerdom. And I'm juiced for the future when big guy and I can go the pool and I'm not chasing him. And he's talking so much recently. Busting out with all kinds of sentences when I least expect them. And I know at some point he'll talk so much that I'll look at hubs and reminisce about when he didn't talk! Five- there is a lot of studying. College was a lot of learning that wasn't really put into real life practice. Before becoming a parent, there is a lot of prep work to, but until you are living it, (kind of like that first internship out of college) you don't really know what you are talking about. Sure, I'll definitely do sleep training, just like how easy it is to balance the national budget! So- which is better? Well- big guy will be my greatest accomplishment.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sit here

Big guy has the ability to be quite pushy when he wants to be. I think it's a combination of being related to me and being the first born. I've known them to be pushy people. Anyway, big guy is very specific of where people are supposed to be. He will grab your hand and take you to a seat. Then he pats the seat a few times to let you know exactly where he wants you to sit. And if you don't sit down in the exact spot, it will piss him off. Seeing him get grumpy about it is actually enjoyable sometimes. The funny thing is he never wants the cat to go anywhere, but instead just tells her where she shouldn't be. Examples: near his trains, near his bagel with cream cheese, in the kitchen. No, no, kitty. For loving her so much, he really is quite tough in her!

So close

We almost made it to summer without another illness, but no. Tons of snot, horrible cough, fever, rash all over body, severe grouchiness. Ugh. And to make it worse, hubs is in California for a conference for the weekend. Meaning, it's me and the sick toddler. Which resulted in a mommy breakdown this afternoon. It was bad. I was sobbing in the car parked in the driveway as big guy slept fitfully in his car seat. See- I was doing ok. We went to the carvel to get some ice cream. I thought- cold, chocolate, and full of calories. Perfect for big guy who hasn't really eaten anything in two days. Big guy was all excited when we were there, but as soon as I tried to persuade him to eat, he freaked. I lost it. I was driving home crying and he was crying and asleep at the same time, impressive. After my good cry and speaking to aunt M and hubs, I was better. But I'm definitely getting tired of the toddler time. Especially sick toddler time!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Whole foods

I've succumbed. I can't believe it. But it's finally happened, I've started shopping for produce and milk products at the whole foods. Everyone else around me does it, but I've always been resistant. But I'll say the this years pitiful strawberry selection in the major supermarkets are to blame. Strawberries have been awful. Full of mold. Lately for only one day. We were at the pint of buying strawberries and having to eat the, that day because they wouldn't make it to the next day. Pitiful. Then I got the brilliant idea to go check out the whole foods. And big guy has been thrilled, me as well. The produce section is just awesome! Big guy get blueberries for the first half, then moves onto bananas, before finding the yummy pretzels chips- everything flavored. Then I move on to the milk products. They have my yogurt. Big guys yogurt. Yummy milk- regular and chocolate. Full fat yogurts. The fruit pouches that the Starbucks sells. Oh heaven. And I am going to have to give myself a dirty look for actually saying this- I feel good knowing it's all organic. Might have to slap myself too, considering that's how I normally feel when people say that to me. I'll have to get over it, because I'm not giving up on whole foods anytime soon, at least until they wrong me!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Difficult difficult

Big guy is definitely a delicious blend of hubs and I. In the good and bad. Part of a personality trait that big guy got from us, ok, mostly me, is his difficultness. As in he is invariably difficult when it comes to following directions, listening, doing wacky things. Not to say he is bad or misbehaves all the time, I think we are pretty good disciplinarians. But he's stubborn and wants his own way. I've heard that's a trait of most first borne, along with pushiness, hardworking, and smart. All of which I think big guy are, too! Case and point, we have been having nightly battles around finishing dinner and getting dressed for bed. Dinner time is a work in progress. Some nights he's ready to roll for dinner and is fine. Others he refuses to sit down and has to sit on my lap. The other night, I made dinner and had it waiting for him. He was pissy about something. As usual. So, he runs over to the table and throws the plate on the floor. Splat! Food on the floor with plate covering it. Oooh. I was so mad. But I calmly out him on the floor and let him know that he had to sit there until I said he could get up. After the silent treatment while I ate for a few minutes, he was ready. Or our other dinner disaster where he eats half his meal and then runs to the couch to be silly. I calmly ask to come back, then count to three, then he has to sit with me until he's finished. Sometimes it's a wrestling match. But I always win. I often wonder why he even bothers to battle me. Must be a toddler thing. Tonight was a classic example of difficulty at bedtime. Kicking, running away, slapping when hubs or I calmly ask him to stop being mean. The binky is our biggest bargaining chip. It gets taken away when he doesn't listen. Tonight, after kicking and not listening, hubs was at a level seven frustration, so he scooted downstairs for me to finish the dressing process. The shirt was on, but we still needed the pants. Big guy had shoved his pj bottoms under the pillow and was swinging his leg back and forth to try to keep me at bay, like some kind of lion. So, I calmly,said, you kick me again and I'm taking the binky for the night. Now, give me your pants and help me put them on. And he gave me the look that says I hear you woman. He reached under the pillow, pulled out his pants and stuck out his legs. He helped me pull them up and turn off the light, before giving me a big good night kiss. I love this toddler thing. The tantrums and stretching his boundaries certainly suck st times. But watching him learn so much new stuff- words, how to do things for himself, follow directions, understanding rational conversations. They are just the best. And his cuteness and humor, as well as, his ability to make all things fun. Just awesome.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Dada in charge

Hubs has really been stepping up his game recently. In fact, in the past five weeks, he's been the dream hubs and daddy. With the exception of one grouchy morning two weeks ago, he's been pleasant, helpful, and attentive. And surprisingly non-whiny. Hubs has taken on bath time duties several nights a week while I've been at the gym. And with the additonal binding time with big guy, he's become a jungle gym as well. Big guy just wants to snuggle with hubs. Hehe, and now hubs finally understands what it's like to have a toddler crawling all over you all the time. It's so nice sitting without being attacked by the child. Oddly relaxing. And I'm able to do lots of dishes and laundry. Oh, did I mention that hubs cleaned the entire house on Saturday? That's right. Dream hubs. And I just might give him a second child... If he can keep it up for another year or so, HA!

Must be a toddler thing

Big guy has this habit that must be a toddler thing. He will purposefully throw something of the floor and the yell, "uh-oh!" and each time he does something like this, I calmly explain that if he does it on purpose, then it's not an accident. Yet, he continues to do it. Must be a toddler thing, as in, it's out of his control the things falling, but clearly it's an accident!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

How nice

This weekend was really pleasant. It started off really well with big guy having a great day at school again on Friday. He ate great, played well, and took a huge poop. He was in such good spirits on Friday afternoon. He was playing with his train table for 40 minutes while I tidied the downstairs. I got so much accomplished without him climbing all over me. We went to dinner with one of my graduating seniors and her family to this semi fancy restaurant near us. I was a little nervous for several reasons. One- big guy hasn't been so cooperative in restaurants lately. Two- he was with people he didn't know. Three- he might not eat or want to sit. Plus- I really wanted him to do well. Turns out, he did awesome. He ate ravioli, munched on bread, was charming, playful, and only slightly grouchy. He started to get a little punchy towards the end while waiting for dessert. But we found the wrapped mints by the bar, so after several trips where we pilfered about thirty mints, we made it to dessert which I quickly shoved down my throat. Mom, it was good though, chocolate cake. Anyway, we left with smiles and waves (and lots of mints) after two hours. It s awesome. And big guy was thoroughly exhausted. Saturday, we woke up early but in good spirits. We went to see Madagascar 3 at 9:40 in the morning with gmom Dino. Online had said it was sold out, but we and like five other families were the only people in there. Which was probably better because during the slow part, big guy did some sprints in the bottom of the theater. Overall, he did awesome. He ate his way through a giant bucket of popcorn and a package of m&m's. And then promptly passed out in the car on the way home. Movies are exhausting! Then upon waking up, we ate lunch and went to the pool for a few hours. Again, a total blast and he was so well behaved. Playing with gmom Dino and splashing. So fun. This morning he got up early again and I think was still exhausted from Saturday. Big guy definitely was having a Case of the grouchies. Tantrums and time outs ensued. But I took him out for some errands and he was my angel baby again. First to the five below to pick up some pool noodles. The. To the petsmart for some cat food (and to say hi to the ferrets, birds, and fish), and then we finished at the whole foods for some fruits and milk products. Again, angel child. Until we stepped back into the house and he melted again. We ate a frustrating lunch and the he passed out. Thank goodness. Then we all passed out, even the cat! When we got up, back to the pool, which was awesome and he did such a good job. We swam for about and hour and a half. It was nice and hot/sunny today, so the pool water felt really good. Then we got out to eat. Big guy tanked a hot dog, cheese stick, some BBQ chips, and apple juice. Then he let us know it was time to go home. We got home all exhausted and he took a huge poop! Haha! Another success of the weekend. I'm sorry it's over. Which I can say its been a while since I've felt that way about a weekend!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

To the pool!

Memorial day brought the beginning of summer which meant the opening of our pool! I am so excited. I love the pool. As a kid, I spent my entire childhood in the pool. Explains why all my childhood photos I am bronzed and bleach blonde. Big guy and I went on Saturday afternoon around three. It wasn't that warm out and the sun was hiding behind clouds. But big guy didn't care. In fact, none of the kids cared that it was just a note too cool. Big guy literally walked around the kiddie pool for an hour nonstop. Slapping his hands in the water, playing with buckets, talking non stop, essentially oozing joy. I was so excited, he was just in great spirits. We got out at one point to eat some BBQ chips and drink some water. Then we were back in the pool. A little cooler now, but big guy didn't care. He saw some bigger kids crouching in the pool with just their heads out, so big guy gave it a try. Ah, now the joy seemed to double and we crouch/walked another circuit through the pool. Finally, his lips started to chatter, so we had to go. But he did such a good job getting out and heading home. The next night, we went back. It was warmer, sunnier, and we convinced hubs to come with us. Big guy was just as thrilled. He was loving life. And since th weather was. Iced, it was more pleasant for me to be in the water longer. But hubs tired quickly, so we got out and had out BBQ chips earlier. But same deal, big guy was more than happy to be in the pool for hours at a time. And I think, this is the best $200 I've spent already this summer!

Not my month

Have you ever heard the exprection "in the suck?" we'll, it essentially at least for me means that you are in this vacuum of suckiness. And that has been my past month. Starting with the mothers day disaster weekend. After getting over what was apparently roseola, we moved on to general fussiness and misery, followed by a wicked cold with severe coughing and wheezing. The wheezing was so bad that big guy and I made it to the drs office for the third time in a week and a half, where we were given steroids in addition to his albuterol. Thank heavens. Steroids are amazing. Then once that was over, he got a croupy cough. And then coughed all night, so guess who got to be awake all night while a baby slept on her. Dng ding! It was me! And then just a series of other badness. I got yelled at by a police officer for jaywalking in front of a crosswalk. Someone parked in front of our driveway and I had to call the police so they could tow it. I missed a ton of work. Like one to two days a week for three weeks. And then the topped was this week, someone stole my credit card and went to a gas station to fill up like three cars of gas. and then tried to feed the neighborhood at the McDonald's. It's been very stressful. Adding to that stress is that big guy has been "moved up" at school and hates his new room. So he hasn't been eating at school, nor at home. He's become a skinny minnny. He doesn't want to play at school and has been hitting his friends. Oh, and did I mention that he's been constipated from the steroids and lack of eating. Great. But there is always hope. Thursday and Friday proved to be great days at school. Big guy played well with his friends, participated in circle time. Ate lunch. And he was in a super pleasant mood at home, too. He wanted to eat dinner, played with his trains quietly (instead of clinging to me and whining), and took a huge poop at school. Hallelujah! The past two days have brought back my little man. I've missed him.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Oh dear

One of the cutest new sayings for big guy is, "oh dear!" and he says it all the time and most of the time it's at completely appropriate times. Like we could spill something on the floor. Oh dear. The kitty got outside. Oh dear. We bought a watermelon. Oh dear. You get the cuteness! I think his teacher at school had been saying it, so of course, now big guy says it. I think my favorite part of this new saying is when he says it a couple times in a row, like a little old lady would upon hearing a scandal!