Thursday, December 30, 2010

The kitchen!

Grandma Dino and Grumpy Grampy got big guy the best gift ever! It's a play kitchen- just the right size for him, since he's so tall! We finally got it built the thursday after xmas and it took all four of us to build it during the 2 hour nap big guy took that afternoon. Above is the pic of big guy playing with it for the first time.

It's super cute and includes a dishwasher, washing machine, oven, stove, microwave, and fridge. and the knobs/dials all click when you turn them. It's just so cool. And we got as a gift a gift certificate to amazon from our amazing nanny, so we are going to purchase some fun pots/pans and food stuffs. Right now we are using a conglomeration of food stuffs that he already has as toys. It's just so exciting. This is his first foray into the culinary world. Top Chef here we come!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Partial vampire?

In the midst of all the illnesses and holidays, big guy managed to get three teeth the past week! And, he might be partially a vampire, as he got the canine on the left side first! And then his two front teeth. When we saw the Dr on thursday, she saw the canine and said, "hey, didn't you read the book? You are supposed to get the front teeth first." And she didn't see the other two popping through. Which means they came in over night! And now he grinds his top and bottom teeth. So, hubs constantly thinks he's eating something.

Amoxicillian with Muscle!

Following our hour of play at the day care on Wednesday, we were due to drop big guy off for a half day on thursday. Hubs and I were going to clean the house and then have a nice, relaxing lunch. You know, some quality time! As I was changing big guy and packing up his stuff for the day, I felt his head and he felt so hot. And his cheeks were all flushed, like a campbell soup kid.

So, hubs and I take out the thermometer and about twenty seconds later we were at 101.9. Uh-oh! We agree that big guy isn't going to the daycare today. We shove some tylenol into the big guy and I call the Dr. The nurse who I spoke with was a bit grumpy, but i was pissed. This kid has been sick nonstop since the 13th of December. Thursday's date was the 30th! I might have also been a little hostile.

Anyway, I was positive that his ear infections weren't healed by that round of amoxicillian. He was still all irritable and tugging on his ears. In we stroll to the Dr's office and big guy is immediately flashing the smiles to all the ladies who work there. What a flirt!
We talk to the nurse and she checks his temp, the tylenol did the trick, he's back to a normal temp.

The Dr. comes in, one we've never met- but we really liked her. when our Dr. retires, we are definitely going to move over to her. SHe was young, cool, and totally relaxed. She checked his ears and sure enough, still infected. Either a new round of ear infections or they weren't cured by the amox. She prescribes him Augmenten, which is essentially, amoxicillian with muscle! Oh, and gives you diarrhea. Like explosive. Yay!

What I liked most was when she asked me if he has been himself since he's been sick. And admittedly, he's been pretty miserable, not his happy, energized self. And I can safely say that he's been on it for three days and is totally himself again. He's been sleeping a lot during the day, but that's what he needs to do. But he's back to playing and crawling like the wild child he is. It's awesome to see again. Oh, and the explosive diarrhea is also true!!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Daddy Stables

Grandma J gave big guy a really cool toy. It's a barn! Ok, just an archway with a barn door that can be swung open and closes, with all kinds of cool stuff to play with. Big guy can feed a cow some veggies. A chicken lays eggs. A pig snorts and his belly can be spun to reveal some mud. There is a light switch to practice turning on and off. And some other cool stuff. And to make it even cooler, there are three different modes for noise. ABC's, music, and sounds. So, the light switch can say on and off, sing about light, and make the light switch noise. Pretty cool, huh? Big guy loves it and has obsessively been playing with it. And whenever he crawls through the hubs yells, "Welcome to Daddy Stables! Yee-haw!" Above is the picture of him crawling through it for the first time.


On Wednesday, hubs and I took big guy in for an hour to play/see his new daycare. He'll be at daycare monday-thursday and then the nanny on friday. Not our ideal set-up, but it was the best we could do monetarily.

Anywho, we went in around 10:40 and it was a light day. Only five other little ones in his room. It's so weird to me that people don't have off the week between xmas and new years. Ok, I digress. We met the woman in charge for the week and she was super duper nice. I really liked her. She led us to his room #6! Which is actually one big room where there is a waist high partition splitting it in half. Half for little babies- 6 weeks to 6 months. Half for big babies- 7 months to 1 year.

So, we go into the room and I plop big guy down. He's very excited to see new toys and new people. Over the next hour he makes his way through the room touching everything. Sitting and watching. Big guy doesn't really interact with the other kids. I think he might have been overwhelmed. I know I was! At one point he does attack this one little kid with kisses, which to big guy means opening his mouth as wide as possible, head butting, and depositing some drool! He proceeded to do this to baby Gab-o and then used a tuft of his hair to pull himself into a standing position. Gab-o didn't seem to mind. Until... big guy and I were playing near a corner and Gab-o came over and took a dump next to us. Not cool.

And in the midst of this, one of the teachers started reading books, really loudly. Then she proceeded to sing every kids song that has ever existed. That's right, for an hour! Non-stop. Really loudly. I almost asked her to stop, it was so annoying. Hubs said later on that he understands why kids nap, to get away from her loud voice.

Otherwise, it was a fine experience. We stayed for about an hour. I think I'm just freaking out! My poor little man. I worry that he won't be the cool little man that he is. So, we'll see. One other funny thing was when I was talking about how he will be getting one bottle of formula and I started my story about getting tummy bug and milk supply disappearing and I could hear the teacher's eyes rolling. Guess not everyone cares about breastfeeding!

Monday, December 27, 2010

A tough eater?

Since we've been recovering from the tummy bug, we've gone from being a "try anything" kind of baby to "ew, don't feed me that, I'd rather scream for the entire meal" kind of baby. Not very fun =(

Big guy definitely only wants certain foods that he picks up and eats. I was getting to the point where I was going to start more finger foods. I was stopping oatmeal at dinner, meaning he was only getting it at breakfast, in an attempt to get him to eat more food by himself- which is the direction I thought we were going in. But as I am continuing to learn, there is always something new with babies.

I had bought a couple really ripe pears, thinking, big guy loves them pureed, he'll love little chunks. Think again sister! He freaked when he saw them. The next day I kind of squashed them, no dice... Ok. Apple chunks. Nope. Nectarines. Again. No.

I had two thoughts. One, since having the tummy bug, he got thrown off in his world of eating. Probable. But the other day I was thinking that maybe I'm moving too quickly with the self-feeding. And that maybe he likes eating some things pureed and some things in chunks. And this led to my second thought, which is maybe the foods he had pureed, he likes pureed. And the foods big guy has had introduced as finger food, he likes as finger foods. Ah-ha! Well, it made sense to me and made me feel better. I think he just needs to get back into the groove and I need to start cooking again. Because he loves when we all eat the same food. Which is evident from this whole week when anytime I was eating toast, crackers, etc, he ripped them out of my hands and started to eat them.

Diaper change

Changing the big guy's diaper has become a huge challenge. He has always been a mover and shaker. And in the past few weeks he has started freaking out as soon as he starts the descent onto the ground onto his back. freaking out- like screaming, crying, rolling onto his belly and crawling away. It's really gotten ridiculous, I actually get sad before the diaper changing process. He's just so miserable.

So, I was thinking that he really gets upset b/c he has to stop playing and doing all the fun/busy stuff he's doing. My solution- change him while he's standing up! Genius! Now he is busy being distracted and I can easily slip off pants, pop off the diaper, do a quick wipe down, and strap on the new diaper. He's none the wiser. He he. Only problem is the poopy diaper, which still requires a five to ten minute wrestling match.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hands and knees

Big guy's crawl has developed once again. He now does the quintessential crawl- on his hands and knees. That's right- he now is really fast. Watch out!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Time for the Star Wars marathon or Merry Xmas!

Every year on Xmas, hubs watches the Star Wars Marathon on Spike tv. Which this year had some very interesting commercials... Anyway, Merry Xmas! We had a very relaxing day. We woke up early and had some tea. Then we opened presents. Big guy got from us a new "Where's Spot?" book. He was so excited to see it intact! Hubs and I each got some good comfy stuff- slippers, blankets, new pillows. It was a very enjoyable morning. What followed was our typical day of fun, playing, napping, eating, and a quick trip to the supermarket as a huge snow storm was coming! A perfect first xmas.

Boxes, lots of boxes

Due to the inordinate amount of gifts the big guy got for xmas- we are suddenly overrun with boxes. The good thing is that big guy loves boxes! What's not to love? They can be climbed on, pushed around, turned over, whapped with little hands, stuff can go into them, stuff can come out of them, they have flaps... See- they are really cool!

Big guy's favorite is the box his barn came in b/c he can do all of the above. And the little stinker has figured out that if he stands on boxes, it makes him taller and thus he can climb into trouble! He is definitely a climber. And so smart to figure that out. His favorite risky discovery has been the kitchen table- where there are all kinds of yum yums. Yay for boxes!

Xmas Eve Party

On Xmas eve, hubs and I hosted a party for all the grandparents. That's right- all of them!

Grandma Dino and Grumpy Grampy provided all the food- and it was delicious! It really was quite a spread. Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffin' muffins, steamed broccoli, as well as pre-meal snacks, and tons of cookies! And they had come early to hang with us and open some presents. Big guy got tons of clothes, a homemade xmas ornament, a really cool stool that is just the right height for the big guy, and a kitchen! I know- crazy cool right? Unfortunately, hubs is pulling a "back injury" story in hopes that dino will build it. we'll see!

Grandma J and Aunt B came over and brought big guy a really cool barn toy (ok, I picked it out) and a xylophone! As well as a snow suit- which turns out we needed b/c we got like a foot of snow on sunday. They also brought homemade pumpkin pie. yum!

Grandpop J, Grandma C, and Uncle I also came bearing a veggie tray. As well as more clothes and a cool "wire-block-toy" as described by hubs- "a wooden toy that is educational."

Overall, I really wonderful afternoon/night. However, these people couldn't take a hint that it was bedtime. After several (loud) statements about it being big guy's bedtime, I finally said, "well, thanks for coming over!" Rude, but effective. Hubs got everyone packed up and out of the house within 10 mins of the statement. such a good hubs!

I think this could be the beginning of a beautiful tradition. hubs still wants to discuss!

Gimme a hug!

During our week of sickness and leading up to xmas, big guy was getting lots of love and attention. He essentially didn't want to be put down. Ok, because we felt like crap. However, as I got healthier, it was a bit disruptive b/c I had things to do!

However, I noticed one day that when I gave big guy a hug, that he gave one back to me. That's right people, big guy hugs! He wrapped his arms around my neck and clasped his hands. And frankly, I'll do anything to get a hug. He is just the best at giving hugs, just like hubs. No mamsy pamsy, wishy washy, limp armed hug. Nope, a big bear hug with lots of squeeze. Perfect!


When grandma Dino was here helping hubs and I during the tummy bug, she was letting him roam free. And I went upstairs to puke, sorry, and he followed. Yup, big guy crawled right up the stairs carrying some mail he had found on the stairs. A coupon for a free can of tuna. Such a thoughtful son. Apparently, climbing the stairs is just vertical crawling. Awesome job, big guy!

And in a funny reversal of sorts, he'll climb the stairs for me, but not for hubs. When hubs is with us, he stops on the third step and finds one of the posts that connects the banister to the stairs and starts turning it- it makes a funny squeaking noise. ANd he could stand there forever. He is just such a joyful little dude!

And we're done

Breastfeeding. Well, almost. So, after big guy couldn't eat properly due to his tummy bug and my supply tanked due to the same tummy bug, he wouldn't eat with me at all on sunday. In fact, I used up my whole freezer supply (not that I had that much.) He will breastfeed with me before bed, so I'm still considering him a breastfed baby- we made it 10 months!

I am so profoundly sad that this is how it ended. I realize that I griped about it a lot. And that we were going to start weaning soon anyway, but it sucks that his last attempts are Bfing during the day are him screaming at the top of his lungs and trying to get away from the ta-tas. poor girls. poor big guy. poor me.

Anyway, a week later, I can look at the situation and be OK with it. It's a change in our lives. He doesn't need me as much, he's a big boy. And it is really cute watching him drink from a bottle. He doesn't want to hold it, even though he can. He wants you to hold it and he holds onto your wrist to push it away or pull it back. big guy is still just as squirmy. I get the feeling that he isn't as calm drinking it as he was bfing. that makes me feel like it was a really special connection/activity that we did together everyday for ten months! ten months! holy cow!

So, still a breastfed baby, but now with a little formula mixed in. And truthfully, he gets whole milk in less than two months- moo!

Friday, December 24, 2010

The Pukies: Part II

On the way to the Dr's office, I was thinking, something is seriously wrong with big guy. we get there and big guy starts flashing the smiles. The little stinker! Into the office, we retell our story. No one seems too worried! Ugh. The nurse begins to tell me that we should get some bagels, bread, crackers, pretzels, and pedialyte. And she seemed generally surprised that we had to go buy white bagels! Bizarre-o.

Anyway, the Dr checks him, he's got a fever of 101 and double ear infection. Apparently he got hit with everything. Armed with battling the cold, ear infection, fever, and tummy bug, we headed home. In the midst of this, I couldn't breast feed big guy as well as I would have like, so he couldn't just eat how he wanted to. I felt terrible. He was so hungry. And by the end of the second day, he would see the sippy cup of pedialyte and close his lips.

Friday, I stayed home with big guy. We took a lot of naps. I thought we were in the clear. Then friday night before heading to bed, I felt a bit queasy. Uh-oh. 11:30 rolls around and I'm puking everything out. Then at 3:00, hubs does the same thing. Let me just say- this tummy bug is the worst thing ever. After emptying the entire contents of my stomach, my whole body ached, I could feel my organs trying to work, and my milk supply. GONE. Just like that. It was really sad. I managed to get big guy to bf breakfast. But he was really frustrated. My let down was sooo slow.

We called in grandma Dino for reinforcements. She was a life saver. I wouldn't have been able to take care of big guy in that state. Luckily, big guy was still recoverin from his illnesses, so we took lots of long naps. Bfing continued to be difficult. But we managed. Sunday was a different story. Nanny came over to help us. And it ended with me getting big guy's cold Sunday night. Our visit to the Pukies was finally over!

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Pukies: Part I

Well, hello. Are you still there?

We're back! And from a magical place called the Pukies. It sounds like a weekend resort, only one that someone would go to in a nightmare. Ever want to flush away your worries? (Along with the contents of your stomach?) Come to the Pukies! Do you need to purge all that is bad in your life? (And what you had for lunch?) Come to the Pukies! You see- it has mass market appeal. Need to lose a few pounds? (And perhaps your ability to stand up by yourself?) Come to the Pukies!

So, you interested? Probably not. And let me tell you, as a family of three who has just visited the Pukies last weekend, it's not such a great place to be. Let me back up. Big guy got a cold on Monday. Runny nose, cough, a big grumpy and a sneaking suspicion of an ear infection. Nothing we couldn't handle. Wednesday night arrives, off to bed. 11:30 at night, I hear the distinct noise of someone puking (you know the noise that dogs make and you think someone is throwing up?) I dash over to his bed- oh he has puked and he's still asleep.

I pick him up and he's COVERED- covered in puke, all over his clothes, his hair. Ok, well, he had been swallowing a lot of snot... As hubs picks up the phone to check the time, he sees a text from Nanny- oh, she's been puking for a couple of hours. Ok, so it's not the snot. I call the Dr's office, as big guy continues to puke and choke on it. I"m bending him over and slapping his back. The poor thing. The on call nurse said to let the belly empty, give him small amounts of food the next day, and watch out for lack of wet diapers or lack of drool. So, I spent the rest of the night having big guy alternating being laying on my chest, laying in bed, puking, and then back onto my chest. Not the best night of sleep.

Around three he stopped puking. At five- I breast fed him- yay for being a clear liquid! We all went back to sleep. I BF him again at eight, he seemed him good spirits. I left him with hubs for the day and headed to work. THings got progressively worse. He slept for five hours! Which was good he needed it. He had a bottle and then back to sleep. I was on the phone with on of the nurses. She seemed to think he was OK, as long as his diaper was wet and he was up for a while acting like himself. By the time I got home, he couldn't even hold his head up, he was so out of it. Then he puked up his whole bottle. Off to the Dr's office for us.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

He's got empathy

A few weeks ago, our cat was throwing up (not a surprise as she constantly runs out of the house to eat grass) and big guy was playing near her. He heard her puking and started to cry. Then she stopped and he was ok. Then she continued to puke and stop for several minutes. And big guy would follow along with crying and then stopping. We were consoling big guy when he was crying. It was really cute. I mentioned this to grandma dino the other day and she said that it meant he had empathy. Yay! He's growing emotionally too!

Sipping and crunching

I've realized there are two things that I really like about watching big guy eat. Well, I really enjoy watching him eat in general. He's just so serious about it sometimes. It is amazing that he's able to feed himself! One of the best things about watching him is when he's eating and then gets thirsty and grabs his sippy cup and up ends it to quench his thirst. I find this so amazing because most of the time, I'm slowing him down (he tends to shovel like the hubs) and making him take a drink. But every once and a while, he drinks b/c he is thirsty. It's precious.

My other favorite part is when he has his "cookie" at the end of the meal. He gets all crazy about it and starts screaming and pounding his hands as soon as I start taking the bag out. I make him calm down and then show him the cookie. He takes a deep breath and reaches for it. Now, when we first began this cookie journey, he would shove the entire thing into his mouth. Yikes, chocking hazard. After many days of practicing and me saying, "small bites, that's right, now chew before you put more in," it seems we have mastered the art of cookie eating. He now moistens the whole thing with joy, while periodically offering me some (too cute). and then he uses his two front teeth to crunch the cookie. I can't explain it but I love hearing him crunch the cookie. Maybe b/c it's such a big boy noise.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Last night, big guy had whole wheat pasta for the first time. he loved it. I cooked it past al dente and cut it up a little bit- that's right, it was rotini. I then sprinkled some parmesan cheese on top, just to give it a little extra flavor. He ate it up!

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Mustacho

Hubs shaved his beard over the weekend. And he kept the mustache. Or as I call it, the Mustacho.

THe Mustacho has it's own personality. It's feisty, impulsive, makes lewd jokes, essentially the kind of person/inanimate object you want to be around at a party. It also makes hubs look like a cop from 70's. Whenever I look at him, I start to laugh. I think for the sake of our marriage, he'll have to keep it. I simply can't be mad at him with the Mustacho.

Hubs and I made a bet to $5 that he would shave it before x-mas eve. THe last time he had the Mustacho- it drove him crazy and he shaved it after a few hours. I guessed he wouldn't keep it until then. But he was at work and got so much attention. It's emboldened him. I might lose this bet. Mustacho!!!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hi dada

Last week, big guy said his first complex sentence. "Hi dada!" And then he kicked hubs in the crotch. Hilarious! Ah, the memories.


Big guy had a new fruit this week- Mango! I happened upon one at the freaky natural foods store. In case you were wondering...
Big guy loved it! he was gobbling it up like it was his job. I"m so proud. I love mango, too!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Happy 9 years!

Hubs and I celebrated our nine year anniversary. While we've been married for two years- our relationship started on December 7, 2001. Our first date is the best first date ever. This time nine years ago was really nice out. Like in the 60's. We had a short breakfast at X & O's- now the cosi.

No idea what hubs had, but I barely ate the banana chocolate chip muffin. We then went to go see Amelie- the most romantic, quirky movie ever made. Following this we disagree. Hubs believes we went to some bookstore. I say we went to a music store. What we both agree on is that we bought another classic movie- Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie. Best movie ever! its hilarious!

We then went to my apartment and decorated/ate sugar cookies, watched MSTK3000 and the Matrix on Tv. the topper was my roommate coming home, puking all over our room, and stripping down naked before passing out. ahh, the memories.

Our first date didn't end until the next morning at 7am, when hubs had to go to work. Mind out of the gutter people, we slept on the couch- with clothes on! But we did have our first kiss! Hubs- love you!

Happy bday hubs/dada

On Monday hubs turned the big 3-1! It was his first bday as a daddy! Erm, I didn't get him anything. I know. I know. Terrible wife. But I honestly didn't have time to think about buying anything. Let alone think about anything. But- we love you dada!

Sheppard's pie

This week I attempted to make more food that the whole family could eat. I settled on shepherd's pie- it's easy, tasty, and big guy has eaten everything in it. I make mine with ground turkey, carrots, onions, peas, mashed potatoes, and some easy/quick gravy w/ Worcestershire sauce. Big guy loved it! He ate it for three days and was just thrilled every time it was on his plate. I think it helped that he saw hubs and I eating the same thing. I'm so excited that he ate it and liked it. If I could brag a bit, it was really tasty!

Helping get dressed

Big guy has started to help himself get dressed. When I put his arms into his shirts, he straightens them to get his arms through. How helpful! And now when a shirt is sitting on top of his head, he grabs the shirt and pulls it over his head. Next stop?

Moose and Zee

Over thanksgiving hubs found these cute musical clips from a show called Moose and Zee. It's a moose named Moose and a little blue bird named Zee. And they sing little songs about all kinds of stuff. Thanksgiving, Family, Fall, Friends, the Alphabet... you get the point. THey are really catchy and big guy LOVES them. He starts squealing with joy watching them. I'm pretty sure we'll have to buy Noggin' sometime soon- that's the channel they are one.

My favorite song is the one about family- where this is the chorus:
You belong to a family
And it's a fact that you can't ignore
Yes, you belong to a family
But at the same time
They're all yours

Cue the tears. Which is what happened last week when we were listening to the song. It's just such a great way to explain family to little kids. And somehow having big guy has made family all the more important.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The ruby tuesday's

Last saturday hubs's mom and aunt came to visit. When they come to visit it is a whirlwind of activity. mostly b/c we try to get them in and out in a few hours. Otherwise, we go crazy!

So, they came over around 10:45 and we rolled out by 11:15 (after they bombarded us with some really cute outfits for big guy) to the Barnes and Noble to pick up some holiday gifts and meet up with a friend of mine. Big guy loved the bookstore. Lots of books to throw all over the place. fun to walk around and watch all the kids and adults walking around.

We decided to go to our local ruby tuesday's for lunch. Only I forgot to look at a clock and failed to realize I needed to be at breast feeding group at 1:30. The place was semi packed. Our waitress brought our drinks and then took our order. Then no food came out for 45minutes! which, I realize isn't a big deal for a restaurant at lunch time. BUt I have a baby with me. And I wasn't planning on sitting that long. BIg guy had an awesome lunch- yogurt, fruit, puffs, peas from the salad bar. No food for the adults.

I was starting to get huffy. Then I looked at the time 1:25!! Crap. I freaked out. Then Hubs's mom gets all crazy and starts telling some other waitress that we have been waiting too long and this is ridiculous. Then our waitress runs over. Big guy starts yelling. I walk over to the salad bar and we start playing around. I come back and the manager is there trying to console her. We are apparently getting our food to go!

Hubs is pissed. He used to be a waiter and so is sensitive about restaurant stuff. We start arguing in the restaurant. On the way to the car. In the car. His mom actually had to ask us to stop yelling. As hubs is dropping me off I yell, "And I bet the order is wrong anyway!"

The best part is, I was right. THey totally screwed up our order. And we can never go back.

Friday, December 3, 2010

3:45 wake up call

For the past two weeks, big guy has decided to wake up anytime between 3:45-4:30. the 4:30 I can handle fairly well. anytime before this and I am a grouchy mamabear. I can't figure out what is going on. Is he going to bed too early? Possibly, but he is just so tired at night. We tried keeping him up, but only got ten more minutes on the morning end.

Hubs thinks he might just be an early bird. Which would make sense, since we both are. But I am only against that theory b/c he is not pleasant when he wakes up that early. He cries, moans, squirms. If he was awake and happy, I'd be fine. I'm hoping he is going to start sleeping until 5 again. The only good thing is that we are really efficient in the morning and I've been at work at 6:45 everyday this week!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Refined crawling

Big guy has refined his crawling technique. What used to be a half army crawl half inchworm is now an actual crawl. I noticed over the weekend that he was up on his knees. And let me say, that up on the knees crawling is a lot faster then belly crawling. This kid can move! Which is totally fabulous for him. Tough on hubs and I who now have to be extra fast when chasing him!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Last week I picked up big guy from the nanny. Since the house where the nanny is is in the city, there are... all these feral cats. what were you thinking? Anyway, these feral cats are all over the place. And they haven't been spayed and meow really loudly.

This big boy comes by- all black with white belly and face. very furry. As big guy and I walk out he's rubbing up against a step. I say, do you see the kitty? and Big guy yells out, "kitty!" That's right! ANother word!

Tongue clicking

I was reading the "what to expect the first year" book- you know the sequel to "what to expect when you are expecting" and was reading that babies- when they figure out a skill- often times do it obsessively and then like a week later, "forget" the skill.

I think this is what happened with clapping. Big guy did it for two weeks straight. And since then, won't do it. Fast forward to sunday and he clapped when he got up from a nap. It's still really cute.

This week big guy figured out how to click his tongue. He clicks it all the time, walking around the house, crawling, during meals, pretty much anytime. I think this skill is like what the book said. It feels good, so he does it. Just imagine figuring our you can click your tongue for the first time. It's kind of fun!

Monday, November 29, 2010


Big guy in his pumpkin outfit!

Oh fudge

Apparently I curse like a truck driver. It's really bad. I know it's really bad when several people have commented to hubs that big guy's first word is going to be the F word. Darn!

So, we originally were going to make a swear jar. That didn't last long. I never carry cash. Next, we came up with other words for curse words. F word is now Fudge. S word is now- Sugar Honey Iced Tea. B word is now Mitch- as in Son of a Mitch.

This is still working, but we needed some incentive. Hubs had the brilliant idea of making every curse word equal to one sit up. The other night, I had to do 5 sit ups. Hubs had to do two. Impressive. I think it's working, at least in my favor b/c for the past three days, hubs is at 12 and I'm at 5. heh heh!

Still standing

Big guy has become very proficient at pulling himself up to standing. He has even begun trying to stand without holding onto anything. It's really cute. So, yesterday big guy was leaning on hubs while we sat on the couch. He pushed himself off of hubs and stood. By himself! For about four seconds. Long enough for hubs and I to look at big guy and then look at each other. Cool!


I was thinking that big guy was striking me again over thanksgiving break. Every time I went to feed him I would have a panic attack. Was he going to eat? Was he going to scream instead? Turns out our entire break was him screaming while he was eating. I thought it was a new tooth. Nope. An ear infection. Nope. Perhaps another strike? hmmmm.

Today I was contemplating this and I think I thought of the answer. Maybe it wasn't a strike. Maybe he was readjusting how much he was eating. Which sucked for my ta-tas, but was good for him to be figuring out his food.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

I suspect

I suspect that big guy has another ear infection. Over the weekend he got his second tooth and was giving me a hard time eating, especially on lefty. I wondered if his right ear was bothering him, but then sunday he was fine. However, after yesterday's crazy hour of screaming and then a couple of ear tugs, I surmised that perhaps his ear was bothering him. And today my theory was confirmed because he's been yanking on it all day and very irritable! Looks like tomorrow we will be calling the Dr first thing!

UPDATE: The post should be called, I suspect I'm a crazy woman! Went to the Dr this morning and he is all clear! She checked his ears, throat, and chest and he is fine. I guess that screaming fit was just having a moment. She did suspect that the fussiness with lefty could be due to the difficulty of getting milk out. Which makes sense.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Turkey Day!

Big guy celebrated his first thanksgiving! We went to my friend's house with her family and had delicious food! Big guy feasted on sweet potatoes, turkey, rolls, and cheese. Yum!

Giving thanks

Today is turkey day. A day when I spend time with my loved ones and eat a lot. But my recent blogging and reading other ladies blogs has reminded me that today is a day to give thanks and be grateful for all that I have.

I am grateful to hubs, who even though he drives me nuts, I still love him dearly. And I'm grateful he makes me laugh everyday. And that he is a great hubs and dad. He is an awesome person and I need to remember that!

And I am insanely grateful for big guy. Who has brouht so much love and joy into our home. He is already an amazing person. Funny, smart, kind of feisty, adventurous, and beautiful! He is joy.

And I grateful to grandma Dino and grandma C for being such awesome grandmas! They really do rock! And to big guy's aunts who shower him with love. And to the awesome people I work with/friends who are great supports in this adventure called parenthood. They definitely keep me sane sometimes.

And I am definitely grateful for my job, my home, cable tv, and being able to have this life with hubs and big guy. Oh- and grateful to chocolate, mmmmm. Which is very important in helping me function.

I am truly blessed.

I scream. You scream. We all scream.

This week is thanksgiving. So it's been a bit funky. Due to my job, I had to be at work on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. So- big guy and I hung out on Tuesday during the day. It was a really lovely day. We ate, napped, went for a walk to the supermarket and just relaxed. Then I went to work. I fed big guy before leaving and planned on feeding him upon my return home.

However, big guy and hubs were passed out. I couldn't even get big guy to latch. Instead I pumped the meal he could eat the next day. When I came downstairs after unsuccessfully feeding big guy, hubs and I got into a fight. About food- what else? This is our major issue.

We resolved it and then had a great evening of eating junk food and watching a soccer game. This morning I went in for my half day and hubs stayed home with big guy. I came home around 11:30. Hubs and big guy came downstairs to greet me.

Then big guy burst into tears and cryed/screamed for an hour. Big crocodile tears. Red face. Throwing himself all over the place. Big guy rarely cries for no reason. We were puzzled and obviously worried. Was he hungry? Tired? Gassy? Injured? Was there a hair wrapped around his dingle? (ok- this was what hubs suggested- and apparently it happens a lot to baby boys and it hurts!)

After trying to feed him, nap him, bounce him, and stripped him naked- he calmed down a little. I fed him his yogurt while we sat on the floor of the living room. He then had a grand time eating puffs and figuring out how to get them out of the container himself. Finally- no tears.

The answer to what was wrong? No idea. Maybe it was everything. Maybe he was having a moment. The good thing is that as I write this- he is closing in on hour two of his afternoon nap. I am definitely looking forward to when big guy can say what is bothering him.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Tooth #2

Sunday morning brought with it relief from teething pain. The second bottom tooth popped out. At first just a corner, then I rubbed it with my finger for a while and it was out entirely by the end of the day. Big guy was in a much better mood. And now he has two cute bottom teeth!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

BF group

On saturday big guy and I went to BF group. We had the LC to ourselves for quite a while. She was very glad to hear all about how well big guy was doing and his 9 month appt. I told her about his grumpiness in eating and she said to keep trying. Most likely it was due to the teeth. But perhaps he was pissed that I went to get my hair cut and left for an hour. Babies! So fickle!

Anywho, she suggested that if he continues to do resist to pump and put it in a sippy cup. Then some other babies arrived and big guy terrorized them, as he is older, mobile, and loves going for the eyes! But he practiced being gentle with them. Always a good thing to practice.

When we got home he was nice and tired so I thought we would eat then nap. No such luck! He got so hysterical, he cried in his crib for a while before he fell asleep. While he slept, I pumped my filled girls. After the nap, I tried again, no dice. I brought him down still sobbing and gave him the sippy cup of milk. He gobbled it right down. It was really cute watching him drink from it. As I don't give him bottles, I've never seen the sleepy drinking.

Then at night, he ate and slept great. Sunday, the other tooth popped out!

Mama got a new computer!

Well, we got a new computer. the one big guy spit up on was almost completely dead. It's amazing how it's spiral downward happened so quickly. First the letters T and R didn't work. Then you couldn't use the mouse too well. Then none of the applications opened. Suddenly it wouldn't even start. That was fast! Behold the power of spit-up. It could solve the world's problems.

We scoped out the apple store and decided to just go for it. We went on saturday and of course get the one guy in the apple store who knows nothing about apple computers. But you have to be grateful to have a job now-a-days!

The new computer is so pretty and it's so much easier to blog then using the phone. So, mama got a new computer and big guy got a busted lap top and play with.

Oh no, not one of those days

Saturday was one of those days. One of those crappy days. Big guy was teething (more on that later) and giving me such a hard time with eating. At one point I had to pump and give it to him in a sippy cup! which I've never had to do, but he was so cute drinking from the cup- I can see how cute it must be to watch him drink from a bottle- which I've never seen!

ANywho, big guy was grouchy. He was putting up a fight to napping too! Then at bed time, I was just praying that he would eat and fall asleep. He started off well and then pulled back and screamed. Oh crap! I had to move quickly to get the big guy to finish eating, as I wasn't going to bed with filled ta-tas!

First, I started to sweat. Then I trapped lefty and big guy with my hands. Of course, big guy was in a back arch away, so I'm hunched over him. There's a hair itching my nose. My back starts to spasm on one side. Then my one foot fell asleep. My hand cramps. G-d, it's so hot! But the big guy ate and fell asleep. It was worth all the hard work.


Over the past few weeks, big guy and I have been practicing turning the lights on and off in the hallway. It began with big guy watching me turn them on and off with glee. Then big guy started smacking the light switch. Not really wanting to move them, but just out of joy. Then he started putting his forefinger and thumb on the switch and toying with me! Sure, he would put them there, but didn't push up or down.

Finally, this past weekend, he started moving the switches up and down. Of course this was followed with squealing and clapping. Then on monday night, he got a hold of the light switch next to the front door and started turning the light on and off about 30 times! Ah- another skill mastered!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Cheese please!

On thursday, I decided that big guy should try cheese for the first time. He had conquered yogurt (which hubs and I both love) and I figured he'd be a fan of cheese. Boy was I right! The kid loves cheese. I hadn't exactly planned on cheese being a new food, so I only had Crackerbarrel extra sharp aged cheddar. But if you are going to go new, you might as well go with the good stuff.

Big guy was wild for it. I broke it up into little chunks and he gobbled it up. He started shoving a bunch in his mouth at once, like a little squirrel. He really does want to feed himself, so I'm trying my best to let him feed himself as much as possible. And then I throw some puffs on his tray and he has a little cheese and cracker course. So Fancy!

9 month dr's appointment

Today we met with our favorite dr- dr W. She is just so fabulous! Apparently she was having a stressful day- lots of sick kids and hat we were the bright spot in her day. Awww. She checked big guy out. Amoxicillian worked- ears looked perfect. He's 30 inches tall. Still the same weight- which is now in the 50th percentile. We were worried, but dr W said that he calories he's taking in are just going to his height and that his genetics are kicking in- he's going to be tall and skinny!

We asked about food he was eating- she said wheat is a go- yay! And we can give egg yolks a try next month, and then egg whites. Eggy bread here we come! Dr W was also very impressed with all he was eating, doing developmentally, talking and she said that he was lovely. It was awesome. Good job big guy :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

9 months and 1st tooth

Today big guy turned nine months old! I feel like I just wrote about him turning eight months old. Well, we go home, he ate and hen we went and hung out with grandma Dino who had come to visit. And while he was playing with grandma, he cut his first tooth!! He is so old!

Introducing Hot Nasty Spice

On Sunday, hubs and I went to the Mac store to see about replacing our computer which is officially destroyed thanks to big guy and his spit up! After perusing the store and receiving compliments a plenty, we were leaving the parking lot when I smelled something. Something nasty. Something hot and nasty. I immediately yelled at hubs! He denied it! I then yelled did big guy lay an egg? Nope. I didn't believe either of them and proceeded to tell them that it smelled like hot nasty in the car!

Hubs and I burst out laughing. He says, "are you the newest spice girl? Hot Nasty!". Haha. He then launches into a scenario where we are on a reunion tour- um, the spice girls and I and I'm being introduced to come out. Now at this point we are home and big guy and I are sitting on the floor while he acts this out. Introducing sporty spice-with a karate kick. Introducing scary spice-'with a roar. Introducing baby spice- we hold big guy up. And welcome back from a long time ago- hot nasty spice- then he proceeded to bend over, grab his back and hobble on stage. Geez!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I feel like chicken tonight, like chicken tonight!

Sunday night I thought we would give chicken a try. Big guy had turned grumpy right before dinner, so I decided to postpone. So, i decided the chicken in he oven could wait until the next day. But when I took it out of the over and tasted it, it was really good. So I took a small piece and shredded it and out it on big guy's plate along with his green beans.

So a few mins later we are sitting and eating oatmeal and big guy is attempting to throw himself out of his highchair in an attempt to get the chicken. I thought- what the heck? And put a couple of pieces on his tray. And he devoured them! He was shoving the chicken in his mouth and chewing fast. Literally bouncing with joy! Excellent!

Big guy ate all the chicken, green beans, and oatmeal. Quite a feat! He tanked all of his meals during the weekend. And I'm sure my culinary prowess had something to do with it. Erm. Moving on. Big guy did remind me of hubs with his chicken devouring Makes me feel good that they both were chewing with their mouths open!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The zoo!

On Saturday the weather was beautiful- 65 and sunny. Hubs and I decided we should spend as much time as possible outside. We decided on the zoo! So, we suited up in sweatshirts and hit the road. Apparently, everyone else in the city had the same idea. Or at least every other person. Our cool side entrance was closed, seeing as it is off-season, and we actually got to use the main entrance.

Which means we got to go to the gift shop. And this means he hubs was finally able to buy big guy a rain stick! Yes, they still exist. Apparently. Of course we bight it and big guy was very curious about the sounds it made. Side note- when we got home, hubs was so excited that he mad evil guy play with it. Until he was holding over his head shaking it and rain stick particles were falling in big guy's eyes. Best $10.87 we've spent recently.

We hit up the tortoises first and ate some lunch while watching kids run around. Then some peahens and peacocks showed up. Those were fun! We saw the giant tortoises eating lettuce, tomatoes, and bananas. Yum!

Followin this we saw went to the big cats. We got up close and personal with some tigers. Picture to come soon- big guy puked on our laptop and it has since been on a death spiral. The tiger was leaning against the glass so big guy was tapping the glass and squealing in joy. At one point the tiger actually lifted its head in wonder of what could possibly be making that high pitched of a noise. Or a fly had landed on her. That's right, I was a mama tiger.

Following the big cats, we saw some bears and penguins. Overall, a fantastic day at the zoo. I'm sad that the weather is turning cold. No more outdoor adventures. But now we get to do some indoor adventures instead!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Prunes and Prune Juice

big guy was really pushing last weekend. Like really pushing to get out some poo. His face would turn red, he would grunt like he was playing tennis, and at one point he started making a fist in an attempt to get the poo out! So, I took action... in the form of prunes. We had a lovely bagel breakfast on sunday and I bought some prune juice. I did half prune juice, half water in the sippy cup. It was big guy's first juice- he loved it. Joke's on him, it was actually good for him.

Over the next several days, the poops started coming. THey were really thick. Then on wednesday- success! He had a huge blowout right before he left the nanny. Then he had another huge one before dinner. He looked so relieved and so was I. Then I decided that maybe every couple of days, big guy should have prunes. We hadn't had them yet. Turns out, he LOVES them! like a little birdie opening his mouth for more. Here's hoping he'll be more regular!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Turning pages

now that big guy has conquered the skill of opening the flaps on where's spot, he has decided to move onto turning the pages of the books we read! It was a pretty quick development, but he has decided that turning pages may be more fun then opening flaps.

Yo Baby!

On sunday, big guy, hubs, grandma dino and I went to the bertucci's for lunch. Oh, it was delicious. Big guy also got his first taste of Yo Baby yogurt. he loved it!! If you've never had yo baby, you are in for a treat, it's full fat yogurt, thick, delicious, and just a great food! I got the french vanilla flavored yogurt. Big guy had his first bite and loved it. He made this adorable little face, like yum! and then opened up his mouth for another bite.

The Lactation consultant said that he should have some yogurt at lunch time with his veggies and then fruit with breakfast. It was definitely a hit! and I get to eat the dregs. mmmm, full fat.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Clap Clap Clap Your Hands

On election day, we had a grandparents afternoon o' fun! first grandma dino came to visit and then grandma c and grandpa j stopped by. In the span of the afternoon, he perfected the clap! Um, clapping, you take it for granted, but it's a learned skill. He started clapping for everything. And sometimes for no reason.

Then when we would start saying Yay and clapping, he would look at us all confused, like, why are you people clapping, this is my schtick! And over the past week, he has just continued clapping, when we sing/dance, when he is eating dinner, when he sees daddy come home. And my personal favorite. When he wakes up in the morning and is sitting up in his crib. He sees me, starts clapping, and then raises his arms to be picked up. Swoon!

Election Day

election day, hubs took the day off to hang with big guy and me. It was an awesome day! Big guy and I took lots of naps, ate food, relaxed, and of course went to vote! This time there were a few more people there and big guy was smiling and charming all the volunteers. One particularly crumudingly old dude came over. I was sure he wasn't going to say anything, puts on a big smile and in a gravely voice says, "Hello beautiful!" It's amazing to me how babies can change people. Following voting, we went food shopping and I frankly went a little crazy. Mmmm, food.

Soiling your oats

I decided that I would start a posting series about funny/bizarre things the hubs says. he's insanely funny and the other day this happened: we were discussing our youth. Of course! And hubs was bringing up how he was quite the player in the past, his words, not mine. Anyway, he asked if he thought the big guy was going to be a prude like me. I said that I hoped so and that he wouldn't waste his youth goin' after some tail. Then hubs said that while I was watching tv as a teen, he was soiling his oats.

Moment of silence. I looked at him and said, that doesn't sound right!

I am a hair elitist

Many posts ago, I lamented the shedding of big guy's newborn hair. I can safely say that I love his baby hair now! Everyday when he wakes up it looks fuller. It's this lovely shade of dirty blonde with a reddish undertone. In photos it always looks red!

It's totally unruly- when be wakes up in the morning it is sticking in every direction! It's ling over his ears- like the beatles. The front tuft has a little swirl. It's super soft. It's just so fabulous.

Hubs always gives me a hard time bc I play with it so often. It's irresistible. And hubs wont let me mess with his hair! And it is hubs' hair- besides being unruly, growing really fast, and cute tufts, it's also really thick and takes forever to dry.

Ear infection

On Tuesday we went to see our pediatrician- dr W- who we love! Just as a precautionary follow-up to the ER visit. She said his head looked great. Hard head, like hubs! Who apparently used to cling a lot of trees and then fall out of them. Oof.

She noticed his runny nose and checked his ears. First ear infection! Poor bub! And of course he gave no indication that anything was wrong! We go back in two weeks for his nine month (!) appt. So now big guy is sucking down hot pink bubble gum flavored amoxicillan twice a day. He practically rips it out of my hand at night to eat it! In the morning I think it's too sweet for him, as he is much less excited to take it. First hit of sugar!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Millions of peaches

On Monday big guy started peaches. He ripped the spoon from my hand to get some more. They tasted very peachy to me, but without he yummy sweetness. The next day, he was less enthusiastic about eating them, but still finished them. Do you remember that song- millions of peaches? I sang it all week when feeding big guy!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Another baby's first or why I'm glad October is over!

This weekend will go down as the worst we've had since big guy was born. Everything went wrong his weekend. Any plans we had went awry and big guy got sick and then launched himself off our bed! Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself.

Saturday we wanted to go do fun stuff. Instead, big guy was grouchy, tired, and I was starting to wean him from one BF session to a lunch. It was tough on the ta-tas, but big guy handled it well. So, we got nothing accomplished. No cleaning, no activities, no sleep.

Sunday- a new day! Big guy wakes up with a runny nose and a cough. No biggie, this is his third cold. We were supposed to go to my friend J's house for Halloween festivities- but no one was feeling it. We cancelled. But there was still candy in our future. Big guy was being a tough napper, hubs and I were bickering. Then came our afternoon nap. It was awesome! However, it ended when big guy launched himself off our bed when he was waking up. And landed on his head! Loud thump, screaming baby, hubs freaking out, and me trying to remain calm.

When hubs was freaking out and saying something sasnwrong with his face then I started to freak out! I was most worried bc I couldn't see what was wrong with him. I think I just kept yelling- I broke him! After hubs drove like a psycho to the ER, big guy was looking at me like whats the problem? We walk in and he smiles at the first woman he sees. Now I know he is ok!

We got in very quickly and the dr was there fairly soon. His blood pressure, pulse, temperature and weigh were all fine. The dr was concerned bc he landed on the corner of his head- where the edge of your eyebrow goes into your hairline. Apparently there is a large artery there- so big guy got his first CAT Scan! He looked so tiny in he machine! Results came back fine- skull, brain, and arteries all looked good. No concussion. He was fine. I was fine. Hubs was still all freaked out.

We went home and fed big guy and put him to bed. Hubs and I had a big talk about our son and how we aren't going to be able to protect him from everything. In he end, we were all ok. And I am so glad October is over!

Yay & Hi

LaSt week big guy hit a bunch of milestones. One being saying (in my opinion) two words. Or at least mimicking what I said to him! The first happened in the bathroom. Big guy loves light switches and can occasionally smack them to turn off the light, much to his delight. So, we walk into the bathroom and turn on the light, big guy gets excited and smiles and I said, "yay!" and he looked at me and said "yay!" it was really cool.

Now you might be thinking it's a fluke- ok how about this. Big guy is crawling towards the cat food bowl- a favorite haunt and I yelled his name to hopefully get him to turn around. He stops and I said "hi!" in a great high pitched mommy voice. He flashes me a smile, says "hi!" and then continues to crawl away! So there!

Sleepy baby

This is what I saw the other day when I went to get big guy from the car. Sometimes he is just too cute and it makes me so happy!

Caught! Escaping from the laundry basket!

Have you ever seen a cuter naked baby trying to escape?

What's lefty doing?

Big guy has been on the move for a few weeks now and I thought I'd give an update on his progress. Though his crawl isn't typical, it's effective and fast! He now uses his right foot to inch his booty in the air and then drags himself forward with his hands and forearms. It's like an inchworm and army crawl all in one!

yesterday, I noticed that he was dragging his left leg around, instead of helping righty out with the butt lift. I was worried that it might be injured. But he's been standing fine and actually takes a lot of first cruising steps with it. Ok, what's the deal with lefty? I pointed this out to hubs and he said he noticed it too. Hubs said it looks like his rudder! And sometimes he'll bend lefty at the knee and it looks like a little periscope!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Big guy knows his name!

On friday big guy was scurrying around the house and I see him going for his favorite spot, the sliding glass doors and the curtains, which is his sneaky pit stop before he does a speed burst to the cat food! This is where Grandma Dino tells me that's how he makes antibodies! And I feel like he gets enough of those from the amount of hair he eats from the kitty cat. Well, I was sitting on the couch and I yelled out his name and he turned and looked at me. OMG!!! Big guy knows his name!!! It was awesome! I wonder if he has been doing this for a while and I just haven't noticed. Since then I have been yelling it out just to get a turn and smile!

Who knew Grandma Dino hated pears so much?

On Wednesday, Grandma Dino came over and hung out with us in the afternoon. Big guy was starting pears! Apparently, Grandma Dino hates pears- she was forced to eat them all of her childhood due to a pear tree in her backyard- which explains why I never ate pears as a kid! Side note- I also was never allowed to wear headbands! Moving on, Grandma Dino is relating her hatred of pears and I'm thinking, oof, I hope big guy can tolerate them.

I bust out the pears and take a lick off the top of the container- I like to taste before big guy does. It tastes like apples, but with a really grainy texture. Eww. But, I put on a smile and big guy gets his first bite. A bit confused, but then opens his mouth up right away! He loves them! Yay!

Big guy is a good eater, like hubs, who I call a golden retriever b/c he'll pretty much eat anything that is put in front of him. I don't want my weird food issues on big guy. Even though I don't eat red meat, I don't want big guy not to try and figure out for himself what he likes or doesn't like. I think it's a fine line that I'll have to continually work on!

Uh-oh Spaghettios!

Early thursday morning- around 1:30ish I hear a yelp. I consider ignoring it, like I normally do, but then another little yelp came out. I peek over the covers and see a smiling baby looking back at me! Only he wasn't laying down, he was sitting up with his hands on the top of the crib just about to pull himself to standing!

Yikes! The crib hasn't been dropped yet! I make a crazy noise and sprint from bed, hubs follows me in some crazed way with his arms out trying to catch him. Only he was several feet from the crib still (hey- he wears glasses in real life!) and I grab the big guy. Hmmm, he must have discovered how to do this sometime on wednesday, but he has not shown any indication of learning this skill while awake. Must have been a nap time discovery.

Later that morning- around 3am, big guy decides to wake up and not go back to sleep. So cruel! We were both exhausted, my belly was upset and I decided we'd stay home to recuperate for the day. I brought the big guy down stairs and we hung out with hubs for a little bit. Big guy starts crawling around and then effortlessly gets into a siting position. Hmmmm.

I was talking to Nanny S later that afternoon and mentioned it, apparently she found him in his pack n play like this on wednesday! Ah-ha! It was a nap time discovery. He has now perfected it and it's so cute watching him do it. Most of the time he manages to do it so that he ends up sitting right next to or on top of our sides, legs, or bellies. He's such a snuggler. I love it so much!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Where's Spot? Spoiler alert- he's in the basket!

Aunt A bought big guy a "Where's Spot?" book. We've been reading it with big guy since he was born. On wednesday I was frantically getting dressed in the morning and hubs and big guy were reading it. Hubs looks at me and says to hold on and watch something. I made a snappy remark, but hubs again said to hold on. So, I slow down and stand next to them. Hubs reads, "Is Spot behind the door?" Big guy looks at the bright blue flap and reaches over with his right hand and opens the door to reveal the bear with the honey jar!!!! He's interacting with books! I then proceed to clap and watch them go through the rest of the book. I was in awe that morning. The next day I read it with him and he went through the whole book lifting and opening flaps, with the exception of the pink piano because he ripped it off and brought it to the bath tub a few weeks ago.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Big guy has started to cruise! I'm telling you- spending all day with a baby older than oneself is very helpful. Truthfully, big guy has been ahead on all his milestones, so I'm not surprised that he has started to cruise and eight months. He started on monday when hubs was home with him. Moving from his play table to the couch and then along the couch. He has been practicing all week. On friday night, he moved all the way down the couch in search of a bag of pretzels.

So, in addition to crawling around, big guy is now figuring out this whole walking thing. I mean, he's been attempting to walk since he was a couple months old- always wanting to stand and doing high knee stepping all around the house, though mostly chasing the cat. But this is serious, he's on his way to becoming a toddler!!

chicken salad

many months ago I lamented about my weight and going to buy chicken salad. Whether subconsciously or not, I haven't had chicken salad since. However, I am now (yay) below my pre-pregnancy weight and the other day I had a hankering for some chicken salad. Hubs, big guy, and I walked over to the market to go buy it and get some cheese and chips. As I was walking through I thought about how I was now a skinny mommy buying chicken salad and it put a huge smile on my face!

sippy cup

The same night we started the puff, we started the sippy cup. We had gotten two as a gift, but I couldn't figure out how to close them without all the contents dumping all over big guy when he attempted to drink. I was really impressed the first time that he was drinking so much! But then I took him out of his high chair and he was soaked!

So, I went to the trusty rite aid (I just love it there!) and picked out another one. Bingo! No leaks and in fun colors. Big guy was hesitant at first- but then surprisingly started to take little sips. My plan is that after he eats his puffs throughout the meal, he takes a sip or two. It is working so far. Then when he is totally done. We sit on the floor and take some long pulls.

What is really funny is that sometimes I think he forgets that he is drinking b/c he'll take a big sip and then swallows and makes a surprised noise and face and looks at me for reassurance. And I say it's OK and he smiles and keeps drinking. My plan is now expanding to him drinking at all meals.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lunch. It's been approved!

On saturday we went to the BF group for working moms. We asked LC T is if was OK to start serving lunch. She weighed big guy and he is at a steady 20 lbs. Which he has been at since four months. I then surprised her by saying I was still pumping twice a day. Apparently, when I had been there a month earlier, she was under the impression that I was going to stop sooner. However, this weekend, we are combing the 9am and noon feeding into an oatmeal breakfast at 9, BFing at 10:30, lunch at 12:30, and Bfing at 3ish. I'm so freakin' excited!

As mentioned before I have loved BF the big guy, but pumping sucks. My current plan is to drop to one pump a day until thanksgiving, and then over turkey day break, wean the last pump time! So, we'll see how it goes.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Apple da sauce

We started apple sauce today! Big guy really liked it! And apple sauce poops are kind of like banana poops. Dark and thick!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

And for my next trick... the puff

Wednesday night the hubs had to work late. He wasn't home for big guy's dinner. And this was especially sad b/c big guy was starting the puff! The puffs are these gerber baby puffs- whole grains, banana-flavored, and shaped like asterisks. I videotaped it and can I say it is the funniest video to watch.

Big guy starts out attempting to pick up the puff. The trouble is that the puffs are sticky once your hands/fingers are wet. Big guy would start to pick them up and make his way to his mouth and then it would slip out or get stuck to the palm of his hand or arm. Then he would get pissed off at the puff. This continues for a few minutes and then he finally got it in his mouth! It was so exciting. Then he chewed the puff! I started to clap and mimic chewing. Finally, he smiled and the puff slipped out!

Over the weekend, big guy became very proficient at eating the puffs. He can now pick them up with a pincer grasp (thumb and forefinger) and get them into his mouth in one swift move. Funnily enough as he is going to pick up the puff, he opens his mouth in anticipation of it eventually arriving there!

Monday, October 18, 2010

The best part of my day

The other day I came home and hubs and big guy were already home. I really hate when I don't get to take him out of the car. So, of course he was already inside. When I got home, big guy and I mutually reached out for each other. I asked him how his day was and he gave me a smile and a squeal. Then I said, "Can I give you a kiss?" and he leaned his head into me and I kissed his forehead. As I walked up the stairs I thought, this is the best part of my day!

Reach out and touch something

Big guy has discovered the love of car keys. I believe it's a stage that all babies go through. At first they aren't very interested. And then one day, they see the keys- shiny, loud, always in mommy's hands, perfect size for little fingers and mouths- ah, perfection. So, big guy like to play with keys. And tries to eat them which is a constant battle. They are so dirty.

His new trick is when we are coming in from a stroller ride and I've already opened the door, but the keys are still hanging from the lock. As we walk by he reaches out his left hand and grabs the keys. It's really cute. Then of course once I give him the keys, he immediately stuffs them into his mouth! Darn!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

And then I just let go

Big guy has always loved taking baths. He's a total water baby. However, big guy also likes to move, all the time, nonstop. So, when he's in the bathtub, he's moving all the time, nonstop. When he was tiny, we would put him in this cute little chair with ducks on it that leaned back. But when he learned to sit up, he didn't want to lean back. No, he wanted to sit up, and then tip the chair forward.

Ok, next plan. We had gotten as a gift a blow-up ducky bathtub. It's so cute and quacks when you squeeze it's nose. We had high hopes that were quickly dashed b/c big guy freaks out when he's in it. Full on screaming, his whole body gets red, and huge crocodile tears.

So, one night hubs was doing something and I had to give big guy a bath. I decided to put very little water into the tub and instead just plop him down, hold onto his arm and hope for the best. Thrashing ensued. It was tub pandemonium. And then i just let go of his arm and he sat calmly and played with a washcloth while I washed his back. Perhaps this was the trick. To not touch him at all and he'd sit quietly. Maybe this will be something I try when all other options fail in future situations. Just maybe.

8 Months!!

My big guy turned eight months old on sunday. It's amazing! He's such a different baby than he was even a month ago. He pulls himself up, he talks, he moves- a lot. Everyday he becomes more proficient at everything. It's awesome. I'm totally in awe of him!

The Orchard

On sunday big guy, hubs, and I went to a local orchard and met up with Grandma C, Grandpa J, and Uncle I. The place was packed! Luckily, they have plenty of parking. We met up with the family and looked at all the different pumpkins. There were so many. Truthfully, big guy was pretty overwhelmed. Big guy chose a smallish pumpkin for himself and Grandma C bought it for him.

After purchasing our smallish pumpkin, we said hello to the chickens! they were a bit mangy, so we didn't get too close. Big guy liked the fuzzy feet chicken the most- they look like the kitty cat in poultry form. We then took a ride on this little train. It was not very exciting for me, however, big guy really liked going under when the train went under the overpass. Following this, we ate some food and big guy had some pizza crust. Then he threw a huge tantrum and we left for home.

No naps for you!

This past weekend was really busy. And with extreme business comes not being in the house for adequate naps. Oy. Not good. Saturday and sunday we got realy good morning naps- two hours. Though sometimes I think of these naps as continuations of bedtime. He was up at five am both days and then was down for a nap by six. Then the rest of the day was shot!

On saturday we met up with Grandma Dino at the Babies r us. Big guy took a mini nap on the way there. Then we got to shopping. Oooh, I love the babies r us. I got a new changing table pad, diapers, wipes, jumbo box of oatmeal and the big guy got a new toy. I know, I'm not big into buying toys. But it's a table (he just learned to pull to standing), makes awesome noises, ditties, songs (it actually says that on the box), and is underwater themed (starfish, crabs, fish, and a ball filled with glitter). Best gift ever!

Following the shopping extranaganza, we went home and went to a semi-free bbq, ate some terrible food, and then went home to a mini-nap. Big guy needed a huge nap, but no dice. Then we had dinner out with friends. Big guy did great! It was his first real restaurant experience. He was such a good boy.

Then sunday, we went to the orchard and same thing, no big afternoon nap. Damn! The only good thing was that big guy slept great, like eleven hours, all weekend!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


My big guy loves being outside. Ever since the weather has been nice- around march, the child wants to be outside more than inside. Which is fine by me! Hence, our summer and fall was spent going for walks, visiting the parks, sitting in the front yard pulling grass, standing outside and mangling our garden, and essentially being one with nature. Big guy is also obsessed with trees. Now that the weather has become more breezy, we take walks and he cranes his neck up to see the leaves blowing in the breeze. He could stare at the trees all day. The soft movement, gentle rustling noises, and feeling the wind in his hair. He's a naturalist, like his grandma Dino. He is instantly put in a better mood by being outside. And now, so are hubs and I!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dust Motes

I've spoken about big guy's cute habit of trying to pick up sunbeams, but on sunday it got cuter. It was really sunny and a strong beam was coming into the family room. Big guy looked up and saw the dust motes floating in the air. He wiggled his way over to the beam and starting trying to catch them as they floated. It was so precious!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Are you a crab or a volcano?

A few years ago, hubs and I were watching that Discovery Channel series- Planet Earth. Sigourney was talking to us about the deep sea. I just love watching shows about the deep sea. All those sea creatures who survive on so little- no light, very little food, no one else around- and yet they light up and sparkle. It's amazing. Well, we get to a really deep part where there are the plumes or volcanoes of gas that are escaping from the earth's core. Pretty cool. It's some insane temperature that would essentially melt people. However, there is this one breed of crab that live on these plumes. They can scurry about, swim in the gas, and find stuff to eat.

Hubs looked at me and said that I am like the volcano and he is the crab. It's our joke about how fiery I am and how he is the only one who could stand to be so close to me. He's stuck with me! We are the perfect pair. So, yesterday, hubs started to wonder, will big guy be a crab or volcano? He thinks he's a volcano. I think he might be a crab who will have to find his volcano. I guess we'll see who is right!

And now he can pull up!

Yesterday, big guy was playing with his jungle mat. It has two bars the cross over the top that you can hang dangly things from and there is music that plays at the very top. Big guy, for some time, has enjoyed standing at the music box and smacking the top. Also, there are two butterflies there that he likes to grab. Well, big guy and I were sitting on the mat and playing with the butterflies. He got a really determined look on his face. He reached up and put his hands on the two bars and pulled himself to standing. Uh-oh spaghetti-o's! Now we are definitely in trouble. After pulling up, comes cruising. and after cruising comes walking. But it happened so fast!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pizza crust

Sunday morning we went to visit Aunt K, Uncle E, and Cousin C. They live in NJ. Big guy was in good spirits and took an awesome hour and a half nap on the way there. We got to their house around 11:45 am and I fed big guy. Cousin C is in the all-star soccer tournament weekend, so we went to watch his game.

The weather was perfect! Mid-seventies with not a cloud in the sky. we laid out a blanket and big guy proceeded to lay on his belly and try to eat grass. He loves grabbing at grass, plants, trees, pretty much any living thing outside. All the soccer moms were a flurry with his cuteness.

Big guy really enjoyed watching all the big kids run around. He got upset when we won the game and all the parents starting cheering. It was the first time he's seen a crowd scream. He got overwhelmed. The poor bo-bo. Following the game, we ordered pizza for late lunch/early dinner. Since it had been a few days since bananas, I gave big guy some pizza crust and he was skeptical at first, but then really liked chewing on it. It gets really soggy fast- I don't think ever realized that. It was cute seeing him figure out what it was and try to eat it. i think the crispiness felt good on his gums.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Thursday brought with it music class! Finally. Seeing as big guy went to the first class. Then he was sleeping through class number two and was sick for class number three. Class number four brought relative healthiness. APparently, big guy laid on his belly the whole class and stared at Mr. J while he played guitar and sang about Puerto Rico. He was totally mesmerized!

Get on the Banana boat

We started bananas! I had bought a banana the other day and since we had successfully completed green beans, I thought we would give bananas a try. Plus, I could easily mash a banana. Well, turns out big guy is not so into bananas. I put a little bit in his mouth and he made a "this is gross" face. I think b/c of the texture. It was pretty slimy!

I bought some already prepared Gerber's bananas. Much better reaction. He still made a face- I guess b/c they aren't his bitter veggies he's used to! But he did eat them. Maybe they just have to grow on him. I also got pears, apples, and peaches. Yum!

Round Two

Big guy got cold number two. This one seems a bit more potent, I think b/c he wasn't completely over cold number one. He definitely has a pronounced cough. And he's been running a low grade fever for about four days. Poor thing is just all overheated. Of course, then I got the cold. Then hubs got the cold. Big guy has also not been sleeping well for the past two weeks. I'm definitely tired. But he is still in good spirits.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Let the baby proofing begin!

This morning, my big guy crawled! Amazing- at seven and a half months. He was playing with one of Pips's big sisters and she dropped the toy they were playing with and he just got up on all fours and scurried to get it. Everyone clapped and then he flopped onto his belly. He hasn't fully crawled since, but has perfected a little inchworm crawl. He gets up on all fours. Hops forward and lands on his belly. Then he pushes himself back up.

Clearly this means we are in trouble. Hubs had better babyproof soon. It seems like an overwhelming task. so glad hubs is the one who has to do it. Big guy is so fast. On his belly he can turn a three-sixty and then go forward. I can't believe he's so big!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My boys

Pumping Rant

I have loved breastfeeding. Big guy and I have had some bumps along the way. My milk didn't come in for a few days. Big guy lost a lot of weight in the beginning which took lots of pumping and some formula those first two weeks to get him to a good place. Nursing strikes. Tender nips. Engorgement. But we have had the best time- the snuggling, the sleepiness, spending all that time together, knowing I can provide what he needs for nourishment. It's a totally awesome experience and I'm so gad I've been able to do it.

Pumping on the other hand sucks. There is no snuggling. Instead, a pump that doesn't do as good a job as big guy and an annoyingly loud noise- it's two fold. Sometimes I make up words to go along with the noise. Most often I'm chanting in my head. Jive-ho. Jive-ho. Jive-ho. People knock all the time on my door trying to break-in. Ok, not really, but what is it with knocking and then trying to walk into doors. Doesn't that defeat the knock if you are just goig to bust in.

I've felt rushed this week. Admittedly, it's nice to close my door twice a day for 20 minutes and either answer email, google chat, or make phone calls. But this week has been busy. Today, I started early. 7 minutes in, a knock. Gimme a few minutes. then, the f!@# fire alarm goes off! really? really?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Cutest baby ever?

Have you ever seen a cuter baby? This might be my new favorite pic I have taken of the big guy. and he had a cold when I took it. he has hubs's disposition. So happy!


Big guy and I skyped for the first time tonight with Aunt M. It was really cool b/c all of a sudden, we were talking to her and she was on the computer screen. Big guy loved it- he kept launching himself at the screen and stroking Aunt M's face. Then of course he was on top of the keyboard and was making all kinds of windows and bizarre apps pop up. But it was really fun and cool that she could see the big guy and that he was interacting with her. Too fun!

Monday, October 4, 2010


Last night hubs and I had bbq chicken and baked potatoes. There was supposed to be asparagus, but I ran out of time! anywho, big guy is always so interested in our food, so I busted up my potato and put a couple of tiny chunks on his plate. He was really thrilled! However, getting them from his plate/tray to his mouth was another story. I picked up one chunk and put it in his mouth. He started to chew (a good sign!) and then made a face like, "what is this, it has no flavor." Which is really funny! I guess he is used to his veggies being very flavorful. WHich is OK with me, b/c then he'll like all the other veggies more.

I was excited to think that he can start eating what is on our dinner plates. he's growing up so fast, it's truly amazing!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Friday we started eating greenbeans! Oddly enough, big guy loves them. He didn't make a face or anything when he first ate them, just swallowed and opened his mouth for more.

Market Day

On saturday big guy and I took a trip to Grandma Dino's for the Market Day festival. Which is essentially when people bring their wares to sell- like people who make jewelry, pillows, soap, stain-glass, etc. Big guy and I arrived around 11am and ate some oatmeal outside.

Big guy loved Max the collie. Max kept coming over to him and licking his face and hands. Every time he got licked, big guy would go into a hysterical giggling. After eating oatmeal and having the remnants licked off his face, we changed his diaper and big guy squirmed all over Max as he lay down. Big guy pulled his ears and then started grabbing his lips and wiggling them around. ANd the best thing about dogs, they don't care if you do that, unlike the kitty cat!

Following big guy's lunch, Grandma Dino and I had lunch at the local bagel place and then walked the couple of blocks to market day. Big guy was flirting with all the ladies and just soaking it all in. He desperately wanted to pick up all the fallen leaves on the ground and essentially grab everything he saw. I plopped him into Grandma Dino's arms and let him squirm. Grandma Dino bought him a cute sweat-onesie that I think is going to make him look like a marshmallow. I'll have to take a pic of it! Then we got a present for one of my coworker's office. And most importantly bought a huge bag of kettle corn. Mmmmm, so tasty.

Big guy fell asleep in his stoller on the way to the car. I let him sleep and drove home. Overall, a very successful day!

Thursday, September 30, 2010


On friday, big guy was sitting on the couch while I packed his bag for the day. I was at the other end of the couch and he was starting to get whiny. I continued to do what I was doing until he let out a "mama!" And then hubs said I moved so swiftly to pick him up. Truthfully, the fastest way for me to pick him up is to say mama. I just love it!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Almost crawling

Last week, big guy started really attempting to figure out this whole crawling thing. He was sleeping pretty crappily and really wanted to only be on his belly. so much so that on friday he was spitting up after eating b/c he didn't want to do anything else besides be on his belly!

On saturday he really put a lot of effort in. He figured out how to apply counter pressure on his hands so he could push his butt into the air and balance on his knees. Then he would rock back and forth and launch himself forward onto his belly, like a little goldfish. And when he's not pushing himself up this way, he is on his belly army-crawling in every direction. He is untrustworthy alone and on any surface.

I'm fairly certain that he's got a couple more days of non-crawling. THen the hubs and I will be in trouble b/c our house isn't baby proofed. And the kitty cat will definitely be in trouble. I'm also positive that his first moving target will be her. I would feel bad for her, but she's been howling and waking us all up at 4:30 for a few weeks. Jerk cat.


The big guy's cold has morphed into a low grade fever. The nanny let me know that he was feeling a bit warm. When we got home, we took his temperature. 99.3 Not bad. We decided to go for a walk before dinner, as it has been chilly at night. While on our walk, I had a huge panic attack. What if there was something I was supposed to be doing? Am I a horrible mother b/c I didn't think to call the Dr about this? Ahhh!

When we got home we took his temp again. 99.9 OK, now I decided to call the after hours nurse and ask about it. She said it was low grade and there wasn't anything we could do. Well, duh. That's what I thought. I called my sister in law as well, Aunt K. And of course she was working-damn! I left a message anyway.

Big guy ate a great before dinner meal and slept great. 7pm-5am. Solid! When he got up, it was 98.2 Excellent work! When Aunt K finally called back, I told her about the fever and she said she agreed with the after hours nurse. Apparently, there isn't much you can do for colds/fevers until they get serious. I'm just glad it wasn't that serious!

Sleepy weekend

Big guy is still dealing with his cold. And since I woke up with the cold on saturday, big guy and I napped all weekend. It was glorious. Saturday we took an hour nap in the morning, got up and ate and then took another 2 1/2 hour nap. Big guy and I both looked an felt better after that. We went to the BF group for working moms and since we are still contagious, we just stopped to chat. Yes, we can start a sippy cup. Yes, I can take vitamin C. We can start puffs or cheerios. (Side note- we attempted puffs and big guy swallowed it whole, so much for melting on his tongue!).

Following this, we went and got milkshakes- I at least was trying to soothe my sore throat. We then went home and relaxed the rest of the day. Sunday was more naps and a trip to the supermarket. Big guy and I did a full shop without hubs for the first time. He was loving the supermarket and all the pretty girls that were smiling at him. Big guy actually started screeching at a woman in the milk section until she turned around. Funny stuff.

Finally, Grandma C, Grandpa J, and Uncle I came to visit in the afternoon and got us just tired enough to take a nap.


Vengeance! Um, wait, that sounds bad. Justice! Sunday morning, big guy was practicing his MMMMM's. And then came out, Mom. Yay! He said it two more times during the day. That's right, I'm Mom! And now big guy can say dada and mom.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My baby has a cold!

Wednesday brought with it a cold. My baby is sick! All night I could hear him snorting like a little piglet. He slept fine, but was just noisy. When I got him up on wednesday morning, he was ok, but still snorty. By the time I got him at noon, he was full out dripping snot. It was pretty gross. But he was still in good spirits. We went home and napped and ate. I had to work at night, so hubs had to get him to bed. Apparently it didn't go too well, b/c by the time I got home, they were both asleep in our bed. I was so tired, I didn't care!

Thursday morning brought more snot and lots of sneezing. I had called the doctor on wednesday afternoon, knowing I couldn't do anything for him, besides just try to make him comfortable. The nurse confirmed this. He really hates having his nose wiped. Such a quintessential kid! And then the snot started being streaked with blood. Oh, his nose is so irritated.

But, he was sleeping great at night and totally cheerful and napping great during the day. It really is just snottiness when he's awake. The nanny was telling me how he was such a champ during the day. And of course, I woke up with the cold on saturday!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Another milestone?

For about five days big guy was not sleeping well. He kept waking up during the night and having a really hard time falling back to sleep. Which meant that I was not sleeping well either. Oh, so tired! My sister-in-law, Aunt K, told me that whenever her son would have funky sleep, it usually meant he was on the verge of another milestone. I'm beginning to think big guy might be the same way. When I look back at his sleeping, I can see that he started to say dada around the time of the funky sleep. Ah-ha!


Big guy has discovered sunbeams. It's so dreamy and sweet. He will notice them on the bed, floor, and walls and just reach for them. The most frustrating parts are when the show up on his hands and when he rakes his fingers across them to pick them up. Have you ever heard of anything more precious than trying to pick up a sunbeam?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Peas! Peas!

We started peas today! The first bite was a bit surprising. Going from squash to peas is a big leap. But then big guy realized he really liked it and was opening up his mouth like a little birdy. Too fun! Of course, the next day brought with it a huge poo that looked and smelled exactly like peas. That was a fun one to clean up!

On the third day of peas, I noticed that big guy had a bunch of eczema patches all over his legs and arms. I don't know if it is due to the change in weather- hot and humid to cool and dry or the peas. However, I halted the eating of the peas, just to make sure. The eczema is gone, but I think I'll move on to green beans and then fruit, finally!

And then we ate out...

Hubs and I have been out to eat with big guy, but we finally felt comfortable putting him in a high chair. We went to the Ruby Tuesday's before a shopping trip on sunday and plopped big guy down. Luckily, it was time for big guy to eat his oatmeal. He loved being there and seeing all the wait staff smiling at him. The salad bar was also pretty fascinating.

He did such a great job and it was really cool that he is old enough to sit in a high chair and "eat" with us. I'm excited for when he can eat what we are eating- as he is constantly trying to eat whatever is on my plate. My little hungry man.

Farmer's Market

Saturday brought with it really nice weather and a chunk of time to do some fun outdoor activity. Big guy and I decided to walk to the local farmer's market. Taking entirely back ways to avoid the big roads, we made it to the farmer's market a little after ten. We did a brief pass through to check out the places we would stop at. Then we took off our sweatshirts and settled down for some oatmeal for breakfast.

We happened to see a lot of weird parenting. LIke a guy walking his kid into a sign that said no parking here. Uh, the kid barely noticed being slammed into a pole. So sad. Following oatmeal and a nice burp, we walked to the first stand and bought a butternut squash. Big guy tried to steal some ladies lettuce- he was getting a little handsy with the lettuce! We then went to an apple stand and big guy and I picked out five apples. Lastly, big guy chose for hubs 3 tomatoes. Overall, a very productive shopping trip!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

7 Months today!

Today my big guy turned seven months old. I can't believe it. He is so old. Now he is closer to being a year old than being a newborn. I'm so glad he's seven months- he just gets better and better! Happy seven months love bug!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Music class

Big guy started music class today with the nanny and pips. Apparently he was a hit. This was the same day as the Dada excitement. So, big guy was yelling dada all day! Since nanny had two kids, big guy sat with someone else and they proceeded to sing, dance, clap, and generally have a good time. They learned all about Cuba and Cuban music today. Big guy had a great time and napped afterwards. I even got a cd of all the music for the class with the teacher J singing. The first song has lots of clapping- a very good skill!


Big guy started to say dada this week. One morning I got a call from hubs who said, he's saying dada! Then I hear through the phone, dada, dada! Harumph! He's supposed to love me more! I got defensive. Obviously. I said, first, you don't know if he is talking about you- only big guy knows. Hubs didn't like that. But then hubs went and told the nanny how he was saying dada. So, everyone she met that day- of music class- she told and then he would start saying dada. which is actually really cute. But when you say where's dada, he doesn't look at hubs. Say where's mama, and eyes go right to me. Ha!

Week two with nanny

Well, as you can tell by lack of posts, this was our first week of all nanny all the time. The week started off very rocky. We had a great weekend and big guy was extra sleepy. Of course, that meant that monday and tuesday he was refusing to nap. Hubs said the nanny looked rough when he picked up big guy. Usually when he approached the house, he could hear sobbing and then when he walked in, the big crocodile tears. So sad.

Wednesday saw a turn, big guy actually took a nap, on schedule! I think he was also really exhausted b/c they went to the local daycare, which has a drop-in play group. Big guy loves a crowd of babies to smile, play with, and talk to. Thursday was the beginning of a really cute music class called BABIES! They are learning all about music of the Caribbean this fall. Again, napped on time all day. He was still exhausted by the time he got to me, but at least he was sleeping and having fun! On thursday, he actually woke up at five pm and we were able to go out and eat!

Friday, I left early for Yom Kippur (while I drove I thought about what I wanted to change for the year- being less quick to yell at the hubs) and got to pick up big guy from the nanny. Don't know what hubs is talking about- big guy had a huge smile and no tears when I got there. Must have known I was coming! Talked to the nanny for a bit and then we went home, ate, and napped.

Those toes again

There is something about baby toes. They are just adorable and tasty. I noticed this week that sometimes when big guy is BFing, he moves his feet around. Nothing obnoxious, just kind of swirling his feet around and flexing his toes. It really was precious. Reminds me of hubs, who is always moving some part of his body.

Also, when big guy is sitting in his high chair- he rests his feet on the tray or the table. You gotta be comfy when you eat, right? I think he likes having a surface to push his feet against. Like he needs to know he can get up and walk away at any point. It really is precious.