Monday, February 18, 2013

A Hunter Wellies commercial

Following the melting of all this snow, big  guy and I went to splash in some puddles.  Hubs said this could be a free Hunter Wellies commercial.  We just got the wellies following the last snow storm.  Big guy is obsessed with them.  He loves putting them on.  Boots- is what he yells when he wants to wear them.  Enjoy!


We've had a lot of snow recently.  And I am proud to say that big guy is totally a fan of snow.  So much so that he will willingly put on his coat, hat, mittens, and snow boots to go play in the snow.  Which is a big deal because he hates putting on all of those items normally.  Mostly big guy likes shoveling the snow.  But at some point he just goes wild and just wants to run.  His absolute favorite is crunching the snow.  Whenever we talk about snow we talking about "crunch" ing the snow.  Big guy will repeat over and over, "go crunch."  While I used to hate snow, it's now much more bearable to play in the snow with big guy, since he has such a great time, until he gets wet and cold, then it's just sad.  Above is a picture of big guy enjoying the last vestiges of the snow in our yard!

numbers and letters

big guy has recently been talking up a storm.  it's so fun to watch his language development.  and though we still aren't at full sentences, he is really good about repeating and trying words and multiple words until we get it right!  One of the fun things he's been doing is counting up to ten and saying his letters.  Not all are completely identifiable, but he definitely has the right idea!  the numbers are much easier to understand and it's so cool having him count things for me.  I just love this whole talking thing!

first lollipop

Valentine's day brought about my first foray into buying class sets of valentines.  And may I say that I was totally preschool shamed into this purchase.  I went to get big guy from school on tuesday and see that the teacher was putting a list of all the kid's names into everyone's cubbies.  I casually asked, "OH, are we doing this whole valentine thing?"  And the teacher said back, "only if you want to!"  Which really meant that if I didn't give everyone a valentine, I was totally going to be talked about as Luke's mom, the one who didn't give the valentines!

Anyway, big guy and I went to the rite aid later that night and picked out two boxes.  Disney princesses for the girls with hot pink castle shaped lollipops.  And spiderman with red heart lollipops for the boys. I have to say, I did have fun buying them, especially the disney princesses, even though almost all the lollipops were busted!  I had just enough plus two extra for the girls in class and the three teachers.

So, as I'm getting them together big guy asks for a "pop" and I give him a princess castle.  Ewwww!  We try again with the hearts and yum!  Perfect!  big guy loves it and goes for a second one.  So hysterical watching him eat this lollipop!  Look below for some classic lollipop eating shots:

we buzzed him

Big guy's hair was getting out of control.  So, hubs took it upon himself to buzz his hair.  For the two months big guy and I would have conversations about hair cuts.

Me: Big guy, want to get your hair cut?
Big guy: Mommy, no hair cut!  (cue sad face and whining)

The hair was out of control.  Hubs and I had a talk about not going to the hairdresser, but instead Hubs could buzz him with the clippers.  I was desperate, big guy was starting to look like a wild animal. So, I was vacuuming and hubs brought down the clippers and just started brushing big guy's hair.  Then hubs just started buzzing his hair and since the vacuum is so loud, big guy barely noticed.  We let big guy hold a cup and put the hair in once he did notice and I eventually turned off the vacuum.

Big guy was pretty OK, but like when the hairdresser does it, he got ornery after 15 minutes because it's just too much hair touching and standing still time.  So, there were some funky spots, but we got those on sunday.  Below is the before and after:

my baby turned 3!

ON sunday, my baby turned 3 years old!  I can't believe it.  It's gone by so quickly and just wow, three years!  We went up to Lancaster this weekend, since it was president's day and we had monday off.  The trip overall was probably a C+.  Only because a lot of things went wrong.  Big guy was very tired and grouchy.  Hubs was in a sassy mood.  I didn't get enough sleep.  But the good stuff was really good.  Big guy ate like a champ.  We got to ride our favorite train on his birthday which was sunday.  There was a big chocolate cake and lots of singing of happy birthday.  Big guy let everyone know he was three when anyone asked by saying, "three" and holding up three fingers.  so adorable.  Such wonderful precious memories of my big guy's special day.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today big guy had a party in his class.  I was the first parent to arrive, as usual, but was able to help set up some stuff from the party and fix the streamers that had fallen.  After ten minutes some other parents started to arrive.  big guy was at my side and ready to party.  we all washed our hands and then got down to eating.  Big guy mostly ate grapes, cherry-yogurt covered pretzels, cheese puffs, and juice.  We sat next to some of big guy's friends.  Then after about 45 minutes of continuous eating, big guy got up and started running in circles through the room doing some high pitched joyous squeals.  Then a bunch of his friends starting running after him making similar noises.  I looked at one of his teachers and asked if big guy was usually in charge of this kind of silliness.  And she gave me a big smile and said, Uh-huh!

Following our departure, we decided to head outside and jump in some puddles.  Big guy also brought the snow scraper on our adventure.  And through dipping the bristle side into the puddles, he began painting the water onto the dry sidewalk.  Then he looked at me and said, "I painting!"  oh- so precious.  He was drawing circles on the sidewalk and loving life.  Then we headed inside after falling down on his knees.  We changed  our wet and muddy clothes and waited for hubs to get home with some dinner.  We had chipotle, one of big guy's new favorite restaurants.  Big guy ate a huge cheese quesadilla.  And then proceeded to have a valentine's feast.  five hershey kisses.  More mommy.  a mini chocolate bar.  more mommy.  blue lollipop.  Which I then had to pry from his mouth at bed time because his tongue, lips, and teeth were bright blue! Overall, a great valentine's day!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

we don't need no stinking shoes

the other day, I had accidentally taken big guys shoes to work with me.  yeah, yeah, I'm a horrible mother, the child only has one pair of shoes.  because he refuses to wear any other pair besides his loafers.  I have another pair in my trunk that I never got around to returning that are totally fabulous sneakers, but he FREAKED every time I tried to put them on.  anyway, part of the danger being that one day might mean no shoes.  hence, an angry phone call by hubs.  And hour of me driving to big guy's school and back in the morning.  I left the other pair of shoes in big guy's cubby.  And maybe I should think about getting some more shoes!

and then I got the tummy bug

wow, it's been a while.  the past few weeks have gone by in a blur.  Mostly because by the end of the week of big guy having the tummy bug, I got it.  And it sucked!  I definitely didn't get the one big guy had gotten.  24 hours from start to finish. good mood.  hungry.  only upset when pooping.  hmm, sounds like a great illness if you had to get one.  unfortunately, I got 3 days, nauseas, severe muscle pains, ugh, the worst.  Luckily, it was a three day weekend, so by monday I was able to at least sanitize the house and to get out of bed.

And needless to say, the house went into complete chaos.  hubs was with big guy.  big guy wanted to be with me.  And trash, laundry, and everything else was piled up!  I slogged through the work week just in time because hubs left for a conference on thursday.  And then big guy and I were on our own!

Big guy and I were living it up though!  I was so glad that I was feeling better because we ate like champs.  We took it easy on friday, I was still queasy- a week later!  But then on saturday we shoveled snow, because it never fails that whenever hubs goes on a conference in january.  We are sick (big guy had a cough- cue the nebulizer) and it snows.  but I did discover that big guy loves playing in the snow.  So much so that he willingly put on his winter coat and mittens!!  For dinner we went to have cheeseburgers and fries.  mmmm, delicious.  Then we hit up the pour your own yogurt and toppings store.  mmm, even more delicious.  Sunday brought more snow playing and pizza and more ice cream for dinner.  it was a totally awesome weekend.  we also got a lot of laundry, dishes, and vacuuming done.  All in all, a way better weekend than the previous one.