Tuesday, October 25, 2011


since we've been acquiring a fair number of trains recently, big guy has really been working the magnets. each train has a magnet on either side. Big guy likes to link them together and make longer trains. Which in turn annoy him eventually and then he rips them apart. And very cutely, he uses his cool crane toy from ikea (which has a magnetic point to pick up shapes with corresponding magnets) to haul around the trains. very clever in my opinion.

dress up

big guy has started adorably playing dress up. He'll walk over to either my or hubs's crocs and put them on. It takes a couple of tries to get the right angle, but once there on, he starts giggling to himself. Then he picks up the shoes, says, "shoes" and gives them to us to put on as well. Very silly. Are super hero capes next? Hubs's ties? All I know is that it's very enjoyable having him figure this whole putting shoes on thing. B/c play putting on shoes is leading to big guy figuring out how do it with his shoes. He can now if the shoe is upright put his foot in and then all I have to do is put on the velcro straps. woo-hoo!

Putting it all together

Big guy has really been figuring things out lately and it's so interesting to watch. We bought him some wooden railway pieces a few weeks ago. He loves the tracks- running his trains up, down, around. By far his most favorite part is the bridge b/c you can go down a hill or under the tunnel. But what big guy likes most about the tracks is breaking them up and making a mess.

It was a big point of contention b/c he likes to spray them all over the room and put his thumbs in the pieces/get his thumbs stuck. I used to put them away at that point. But then I started making the track into different shapes and while he still likes to break them apart- he now likes to put them together. That's right, big guy has figured out how to piece them together and make his own trackway! Could puzzles be in our future???

Monday, October 24, 2011

new words

big guy has been working on some new words recently- apple, backhoe, and door. today he's been talking non-stop- a lot of his favorite words, but he also said all of his new ones. Apple b/c we've been eating them nonstop the past few weeks. He just loves having a whole apple and munching it all around. Backhoe- which I think he's been working on since the summer. He has a sippy cup with cartoon construction vehicles on it and he's been trying his hardest. Backhoe we finally got this weekend with different inflections- so cute seeing him figure it out. And finally- door, which he's said before but very clearly when we left school today- door! I can't believe that soon he'll just be talking in full sentences- it's mind boggling.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

blow me a kiss

big guy is on a kissing streak- what a hussy! He's figured out to put his hand on his mouth and then pull it away while making a smacking sound- essentially blowing a kiss to people. Now, most people we know don't get the kisses- but cars, trains, and strangers sometimes do! And he's discovered that the smacking sound is an essential part of this whole "giving" kisses thing. He'll kiss his trains, his finished artwork, me, and hubs! so adorable- and on the lip kisses are the best, he's just awesome. Tonight when I put him to bed, he kissed me twice and then gave me a big hug. Swoon!

Saturday, October 22, 2011


as we creep closer and closer to the big 2 (!), we venture more and more into the world of discipline. big guy's two biggest issues that are I suppose really my issues are throwing things and spitting. oooh- they burn my bacon!

The throwing thing I think stems from trying to understand that there are some things that are ok to throw and others that are not. Ok to throw include: balls, rocks when outside, stuff in the bathtub. Things big guys likes to throw that aren't ok to throw: trains, books, food, toy cars. The biggest issue is throwing the trains. Mostly because they are hard and it annoys me. Now when he throws trains, he first gets a warning and then the second time the train has a time-out for two minutes- I set the time on the oven timer and I explain that when the timer beeps, big guy can have the train back. He cries for the whole two minutes. Then if it happens again, I can just look at him and he lays on the floor and cries. It's kind of sad. And yet funny, b/c he knows he's made a bad choice.

The other big issue we have is spitting- which big guy thinks it is hilarious! And sometimes it is- truthfully. Mostly, I hate when he's eating and starts spitting his food back out. Which was a big issue this week when he was eating real dinners again but was really frustrating on the spitting side. Especially when it hits me in the face. Not cool. And I realize on one level that he's figuring out all the stuff he can do and looking at his own spit on the table/floor is an interesting development, but we are working on it. truthfully, it has gotten better towards the end of the week. And I'll keep plugging along with my techniques!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

the pukies

well, we may have hit our first (and hopefully only) case of the pukies this year. On tuesday night, big guy and I ate at our favorite burrito place. big guy was starving- having eaten nothing during the day at school. surprise, surprise. Anyway, he ate a ton of black beans with cheese. it was awesome. but I was slightly wary that he might have eaten too much.

Later that night, I just had a feeling that I wasn't going to get a good night's sleep. Big guy didn't do a big burp after his cup of milk, so I worried that he might puke. Big guy ended up puking three times. so, I'm not sure if he was stuffed or picked up something from someone. After the third pukie- we went to watch Thomas and the misty island rescue from 1am to 2am, while I spoke to the on call nurse. Then we slept until 5:20ish. Big guy was up and ready to roll.

And the ready to roll part was what had me thinking it wasn't a tummy bug. Last time he was messed up for a couple of days. Big guy was playful, happy, and very thirsty. He was tired- we took a three hour nap in the morning. mmmm, big guy and I definitely needed it. We all took a sick day and ended up going to the babies/toys r us for diapers/wipes/fruit&veggies pouches. And because sick people get presents in our house, we got an awesome thomas the train travel track set- sodor mining company- with a thomas train. And on sale for $30, regularly $50. Boo-ya! Big guy is crazy about the travel tracks and plays with them constantly. So, our sick day started out pretty bad, but it ended up pretty good!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

our new eating regimen

Eating has become tricky recently. Big guy is making his way through several weeks of eating awesomely and then deciding not to eat at all. This past week, he wouldn't eat lunch. At dinnertime, he refuses to eat, nay attempt to try some of the yum-yum's I have made. Shepherd's pie, turkey-cheesy mac, even buttered-cheesed whole grain noodles. nada.

Instead, big guy only has wanted to eat yogurt with honey crisp apples, freeze-dried blueberries, raisins, and cheese chunks. at least he's eating healthy! But it can be very tiresome dealing with a grouch who only eats a few things. And then last night happened. My hopes for him eating were low, to say the least. I had made turkey meatballs- which I served with noodles previously mentioned, cheese chunks, and then I ate them with some sliced cheese and bread. Big guy started with cheese chunks, as I figured out if we had yogurt in my head. then he ate a meatball chunk by accident, then another, hmmm. He ended up eating one and a half meatballs, some noodles, a whole cheese stick, an entire pouch of pureed veggies/fruit (the ones that look like capri suns- so good and fun to drink b/c big guy can hold them), another 3/4 pouch of fruits. it was awesome! are we back on track???

carrot sticks and almonds

on monday, big guy and I had the day off together. it was a very relaxing day- eating, playing, walking outside. part of what we tried new were carrot sticks and almonds. I had bought some baby carrots to munch on when I was hungry. I thought big guy might be ready to try them- since he's got those great molars! At first he was tentative, but then the fun crunch won him over. I do think he got tired of all that chewing though.

And at lunch, I was eating my new addiction- trader joe's vanilla yogurt with sliced almond add-ins- and big guy was eating his yogurt. He looked over, checked out my little almond container before I added it. He reached his little fingers in, grabbed a few, and started to crunch. He seemed to enjoy them and grabbed for a few more. And he didn't go into anaphylactic shock- so that was a definite bonus! Now we just have to conquer peanut butter!

happy dance

big guy has this happy dance- when the joy is just too much for him and he must dance with joy. It starts with a squeal of joy. Then he starts hopping up and down. Then the left foot starts stomping with the hop. And then he starts to run around doing all three. And recently he's added a new graceful fall to the ground, roll onto his back, and kick in the air. Now that's joy!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Causing a stir

Saturday night, we went to eat a new mexican-inspired restaurant. While hubs and I enjoyed our delicious meals, big guy happily threw his food on the floor. We thought it was pretty good. Admittedly, the black beans had cilantro in them- blech, tastes like soap and apparently big guy thinks so as well. Big guy was at least enjoying the beautiful weather as we sat outside.

People were walking by, some saying hi or remarking on big guy's cuteness- a normal occurrence. When all of a sudden we hear this high pitched scream, followed by "oh my g-d, that is the most beautiful baaa-beeee! He could be a gerber baby, he's so gorgeous!" hubs and I turn our heads to see the apparently flamboyant man who would yell this in public, only to see a dad with his teenage daughter. Hubs and I said thank you and then did significant eyebrow raises towards each other as the man walked away. It was hysterically funny! That is definitely the best reaction so far!

Pumpkin fest

on saturday we once again went up to Grandma Dino's house, but the hubs joined us this time. We were supposed to go watch some trains at new hope, however, when we got to D's house, there were all these yard sales. And everyone on her block has kids/grandkids, so we went shopping instead! We bought this really cool little car- that we can push big guy around in. He's crazy about it. When he sees it he squeals and runs to sit in it. In fact, since we've brought it home, he refuses to ride in his stroller- only wanting to be seen in the car.

And since we spent time shopping, we decided to go to a local farm for Pumpkin Fest. READ- $12 a pop for some crappy games, bouncy rides, and farm animals. But big guy had a great time running around in the warm sun. He most liked the zone where you could ride big tricycles around a track and looking at the baby goats. They are awfully cute. We were going to go on a hayride to get a pumpkin, but the line was really long. Instead, we ate pumpkin ice cream, kettle corn, and caramel apples. wow, very pig like- oh, and there were pig races, but they seemed uncivilized! At the end we fed a cow- so pretty- and then played with the dogs before heading home. Big guy had so much fun and hubs & I got to eat a lot!! a very nice saturday!

Freeze dried fruit

in my epic quest to battle the inner-toddler who doesn't like to eat anything, I've come to realize that big guy will always eat fruit. He loves it! and I've recently discovered freeze-dried fruit, which has all the yummy and healthy stuff in it, with the added bonus of a yummy crunch. Big guy is a definite fan. His most recent discoveries are bananas and blueberries. The blue berries are fun b/c his fingers, face, and any other surface turn purple. I personally think they are too sweet, but if big guy is willing to munch, then I'm all for it!

Saturday, October 8, 2011


The other day we were in the rite aid, I think big guy was sick, so we thought to buy him a little trinket to improve his spirits. After perusing the halloween aisle and the further discounted summer products, I happened upon a little Thomas the train -train named Salty.

big guy is obsessed! whenever he is home, Salty is in his hands. He walks around with him, eats dinner with him, and every night he gets a bath. And right before bed, we pry it from his fingers. And we found out that Salty is Irish and used to work on the Sea. He spends his time telling tales from his travels! Courtesy of Misty Island Rescue. I definitely didn't make it up!

And today when we went to a pumpkin fest- another kid saw big guy holding Salty and yelled out- I want to play with Salty! I guess he's quite well known... in some circles!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


You ever have those moments when you realize you are a jackass? I had one tonight. Today when I picked up big guy, I was talking to his teacher- turns out we shop at the same supermarkets, live in the same neighborhood, and are both healthy eaters. During this conversation, I tell her how awesome big guy was last night at dinner. He ate two 4 oz yogurts- all by himself with his spoon. very impressive, since yogurt is kind of droopy.

Anyway, I'm all proud and boasting. later tonight, I'm upstairs getting bath time started while the boys are playing trains. I walk into our room and smell something. My first thought is that the cat used our room as a litter box. but no, it's more cheesy. I walk over to big guy's crib and on the floor is a huge pile of puke. Crap! Then I start thinking about last night...

Big guy started crying after I put him down. Then he started to cough. I was on my way up and I thought I heard a pukey sound, but then he was silent right after. Turns out he did puke. Luckily over the edge of his crib. he slept great though- ten hours. And now I"m a jackass b/c obviously 8 oz of yogurt is a bit too much at the end of a cold when the phlegm must come out at some point!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


following saturday's market day fest, we returned to grandma dino's house where we got to hang with grumpy grampy and the dogs! big guy's favorite is Maxy- who is a collie. his previous owner was a family with a small boy, so he's extra good with big guy. Maxy would chase big guy down the fall. Big guy squeals with delight then falls on the floor where he proceeds to get licked and sniffed. Then big guy stands up and chases maxy down the hall. A good time for them both.

big guy essentially ran for the few hours we were there. At one point we were cleaning out some books from my old room and I had them locked in with us. Big guy would run full speed at Maxy, give him a huge bear hug, and then tackle him to the floor. Maxy was so good and would just fall down and lay there until I could pry big guy off of him. And at one point, big guy grabbed Maxy lip and was walking him around the room. what a good doggie! Big guy was so exhausted after we left. Maybe I should think about investing in a dog... nah!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

kettle corn

on saturday we went to Market Day where Grandma Dino lives- vendors selling homemade wares, revolutionary war soldiers re-enactors, lots of yummy kettle corn! Delicious! they make it right in front of you and when you get your bag, it's still hot. Big guy is obsessed with kettle corn. Crunchy, sweet, and of course salty- it's his favorite snack. We were walking through the fair a second time and I am holding him in one hand and the kettle corn in the other. He's eating non-stop. One piece at a time in, chew, swallow, repeat. When we put him in the car to head out, he screams in anger that he doesn't get to sit with the bag. so I poured some into a bucket for him. And inevitably, the bucket gets dumped in his lap- hence why I didn't give him the bag. But he was happy as a clam munching away!