Wednesday, October 5, 2011


You ever have those moments when you realize you are a jackass? I had one tonight. Today when I picked up big guy, I was talking to his teacher- turns out we shop at the same supermarkets, live in the same neighborhood, and are both healthy eaters. During this conversation, I tell her how awesome big guy was last night at dinner. He ate two 4 oz yogurts- all by himself with his spoon. very impressive, since yogurt is kind of droopy.

Anyway, I'm all proud and boasting. later tonight, I'm upstairs getting bath time started while the boys are playing trains. I walk into our room and smell something. My first thought is that the cat used our room as a litter box. but no, it's more cheesy. I walk over to big guy's crib and on the floor is a huge pile of puke. Crap! Then I start thinking about last night...

Big guy started crying after I put him down. Then he started to cough. I was on my way up and I thought I heard a pukey sound, but then he was silent right after. Turns out he did puke. Luckily over the edge of his crib. he slept great though- ten hours. And now I"m a jackass b/c obviously 8 oz of yogurt is a bit too much at the end of a cold when the phlegm must come out at some point!

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