Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Egg Hunts

Easter Egg hunt #1. We took this shiny egg home!

Easter Egg hunt #2. Look at that reaching skill!

Seriously considering taking the eggs and making a run for it!

An excellent haul! And yes, big guy was sans pants- it was hot out!

Easter is not a big holiday in my life, but I may be reconsidering it following this past easter. It may be that as big guy gets bigger/older, he's able to do more and thus holidays are more fun. I'm sure july 4th is going to be a blast!

We were very lucky to be invited to 2 easter egg hunts. Saturday was at Aunt K and Uncle E's house. Aunt K's mom and dad came, as well as her sister/husband and their three kids. It's so nice hanging out with all those kids. And I have to say, big guy was running with the big kids. He was loving life. He was going up and down the slide, playing with a golf club, running around like a wild child screaming with joy. And that was before the easter egg hunt! He had a great time running with his easter basket and putting eggs in and out. Then opening the eggs- oh my!

Our second easter egg hunt was with Nanny S who invited us to her block- where every year the kids have a huge hunt. By this point, big guy was a pro. He managed to get all kinds of eggs and he was probably the youngest there. He may have also gotten a head start, but everyone was a good sport about watching him babble with joy. Overall, a very successful holiday!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spring Break

Big guy and I had off for spring break for a whole week! yay!! We napped, played outside, went for walks, ate lots of yummy home cooked meals, went to the zoo- so much fun, and celebrated easter. I have to say I was a bit apprehensive going into the break. I hadn't been alone with big guy for such a large chunk of time since last summer. But I found it to be a lot of fun and reassured me that this summer is going to be awesome!

This trip to the zoo was really cold to begin with, but then warmed up like 15 degrees. It turned out to be a delightful day. Big guy was most impressed with the mini duck pond in the children's zoo w/ the fancy ducks. And the waterfall at big cat falls. The kid loves water. Oh, and big guy really thought the big swan shaped boats were cool b/c kids could get in and paddle them. We definitely don't see that at our duck pond! Stay tuned for 2 easter egg hunts!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Baby's First Haircut

Big guy got his first haircut on Thursday. We went to my salon- love my hairstylist!- and I got him a little toy from the rite aid to keep him occupied. At first he wasn't feeling the sitting still so much. We were cutting very quickly. But then when I turned him around to get his tail- he was totally calm. I think it's very cute. He looks sometimes like a little monk or squire from medeviel times! But most of all he looks like a little boy. Judge for yourself:



Tuesday, April 19, 2011

outside activities

Since spring is (finally) somewhat here- we have been doing lots of outdoor activities.

One of our favorite activities is going to the duck pond. On a recent trip down, we saw lots of ducks, geese, catfish, and ate some dirt- just to experiment a little bit! It's so awesome watching big guy get so involved with the animals. He totally yells out "duck" at everything- even if it isn't a duck. And we are practicing "goose." I love that duck pond- it is an instant activity that calms him down and that he really enjoys.

We've also been going to the park and practicing our sliding. Always fun! And we always meet some interesting other children- some give hugs and others throw sand at people. We stay with the huggers. Big guy hasn't quite figured out the shovel and pail, but hubs and I keep offering and demonstrating.

And of course the easiest outside activity is playing in the front yard. Mostly big guy runs around holding a wiffle ball and the wiffle bat. He has been practicing also throwing the ball. Most times it bops him on the head before it goes down. Very cute! Or he and hubs play soccer with a big ball that big guy adores- he gives it kisses before throwing it! I have to say that all this nice weather and running outside has really improved big guy's walking. He's very proficient and falls way less than even last week!

new stuff

So it's spring break- hence why I've been incognito!! Having way too much fun- sleeping, eating, going to the park, duck pond, the zoo... but more on that later. Here is an update on some of the cool things big guy has been up to recently.

Big guy has recently discovered how to work locks. Not in a scary I have to bolt my doors kind of way, but in an experimental discovery way. He likes to play with the lock on the sliding glass door. lock, unlock, lock, unlock. it's so fun watching him figure it out.

big guy has also recently started having a lot of fun with the cooking utensils. Spatulas, spoons, the strainer and his greatest love- my stainless steel colander. big guy could play with that colander all night. everything goes into the colander. Then we stir everything with the whisk. Then take everything out of the colander with a scream of joy. It has allowed me to actually start making dinner in a semi-normal way.

And finally, I got a new camera!!! woo-hoo. it's super small and super cute. I'm still working out how to take the best pics, but here are a few that I really love from the past few weeks

A boy and his vacuum!

My big guy getting a kiss from hubs.

uh-oh- video games already?

This face is just so precious. And eating my work lanyard is always fun.

My big happy boy post meal.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Following Directions

Big guy has started being a super star cleaner-upper! He can now follow directions that I give him to help. For instance, I can say, big guy go get your shoes. And he'll walk over to his sneakers and pick them up. Then he'll lift them up for me to put on. It's really cool how he went from not listening at all to all of a sudden, wanting to help. And he's always really proud of himself once he's done it. Not only does he like getting his shoes, he also likes putting blocks in his bag, bringing his clothes over to me to get dressed and throwing his toys in the bath tub. He's a very busy guy!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

No Bubba

The other day, I was making dinner and Aunt M was watching from Skype. Big guy was totally pissed and wanted desperately to be held. However, I was cooking chicken, so I couldn't hold him and cook one handed- which I so often end up doing as we get closer to dinnertime. He sprinted over the living room, climbed down the step into the kitchen, reached up on his tippy-toes grabbing at my pants crying. I looked at him and said, "hold on, bubba!" He looked up at me with those big eyes filled with tears and yelled back, "Noooo Buh-baaa!" Well, I guess he couldn't wait!!!

Academy of Natural Sciences

Two weekends ago... I know I know, it's been so long. Big guy has given hubs and I the cold he's been battling and he's decided not to sleep through the night the past week. Oh sleep, I miss you.

Anyway, two weekends ago we went to the Academy of Natural Sciences. The weather was nice, but not nice enough for an outdoor activity. We thought this would be a good mix. Get a little city air/excitement with the safety of the indoors.

To say big guy loved it would be an understatement. he LOVED it!! lots to see, lots of room to run, and lots of people/kids to talk to and flirt with. He was totally in his element. See for yourself:

Big guy with the flowers and butterflies.

Big guy and I putting together the dino skeleton table puzzle.

Big guy and I exploring the wide staircase- we then sprinted down all the hallways.

Big guy and hubs checking out the butterflies.

big guy and I looking at the dino teeth! Very fun!

Bottoms have tops

Big guy has moved into his next cool developmental stage. Putting things together. A few weeks ago he started not only taking things out of bowls, bags, and boxes- but then moved on to putting things back into them. Big move. It's fun b/c now he can help me clean up! Last week, I was pouring big guy's milk into a cup and he grabbed the red top and put it on top of the milk gallon. Ok, he's figured out tops have bottoms. Cool!

Now, big guy is obsessed with making sure tops are on their bottoms. He also always wants door closed. And in a super cool move, big guy has figured out how to put blocks together!!! It was very all of a sudden, but I thought a very natural progression from putting tops on bottoms. He just reached out and separated the two blocks and then put them back together! Yay! And now he's always very impressed with himself and puts them together non-stop. Soon we can build towers!

Monday, April 4, 2011


The past few days, big guy has decided to spice up his vocabulary. He has started to say more than one word at a time. It's all very cute and amazingly, I can really figure out what he is trying to say. I'm not sure if other people would be able to though!

On monday, Grandma Dino came over to check on the kitty cat- she got into some kind of cat brawl when she mysteriously escaped from the back door. We're still not even sure how it happened. After determining that the cat was fine- just a little ruffled, Dino was on her way out the door. Big guy decided to not only wave, but also say buh-buh- or bye bye in his language. It was so cool!


Big guy has started this new giggling. It's really cute. And very different then his laughs. These are like little giggles- like 5-7 in a row. And he'll do them anytime. When we are driving in the car and he sees something funny out the window. When the cat walks by and brushes her tail on him. But the funniest was probably when Aunt M was skyping dinner with us. Big guy started laughing at her, so she laughed back, and then started a giggle battle for about five minutes they were both joyously giggling at each other. So hubs and I started laughing too. It was pure joy!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Asparagus, guacamole, and cream cheese, Oh my!

Big guy is an excellent eater. I'm so pleased he got hubs's eating abilities- golden retriever! He'll pretty much eat anything. I love it! And I have to say that I am very proud when I tell people some of his favorite food, that they are always impressed. I guess b/c it's how hubs and I eat, I just expect he'll eat the same.

For example, big guy loves asparagus! Roasted with olive oil, salt, and pepper. He gobbles the spears up- whole. It's quite a sight to see. THe last time we had them, he must have eaten twenty spears. mmm, asparagus! And one of his new favorite discoveries is guacamole. We went to have burritos the other day and I had a little side cup of guacamole. I plopped down a spoonful of sour cream and guacamole into his trough (ok, it was one of those square paper bowls) full of beans, chicken, and tortilla w/ melted cheese. He grabbed the whole pile and shoved it in. Then ate the rest of my little cup. And like any good jew, the kid loves cream cheese and bagels. Of course, he'll eat cream cheese on just about anything, cinnamon raisin toast, bagels crisps, fruit, off his fingers... You get me! our next big step is roasted brussel sprouts, which didn't exactly peak his interest last night!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Will big guy ever be healthy again???

Big guy has been healthy for about a month since November. We've hit one cold right after another, coupled with previous ear infections, and then a tummy bug. Our most recent bout of nebulizing was pretty bad. And now we have moved onto another cold/cough combination. The cough was pretty bad. On Tuesday we went to the dr b/c big guy was panting. that's right, panting like a dog. pretty sad.

Dr said his chest was clear, but to nebulize before he went to bed, just to open up his airways. All good. Wednesday morning is good and off to school we go. When I pick big guy up from school on wednesday afternoon- wheezing. G-d damn it! I immediately go home and nebulize (that's right, I've officially made it a verb!). He sounds better and we have a yummy dinner and then another nebulizing before bed.

Hubs and I are exhausted at this point- did I mention this was the night I locked myself out? All three of us are passed out until about 1 and then the coughing starts. Big guy is coughing, wheezing, and what sounds like he is holding his breath between inhaling and exhaling. Oy! I immediately decide to nebulize. big guy sounds much better, but unfortunately, decides to stay awake until 3:30. so tired...

Hubs said he sounded good in the morning, but I was still worried. I mean, it's still freezing here and cold season isn't over yet. I pick big guy up from school and he sounds perfect! But we still go to our dr's appt b/c I need to know what to do when the wheezing starts. I am happy to report that I did exactly the right thing. Anytime I feel like big guy needs some help with his breathing, I am to nebulize. And I should let them know if I feel like I am doing it too much ( like three days in a row), if I'm doing it every couple of days for a couple of weeks, or if I feel like it isn't working. Whew!

And I asked about if we should be concerned about future breathing issues. My side doesn't have any asthma (that I know of!) and hubs's side has a little, but barely anything to be concerned about. Dr said that she isn't worried, but that until he's two or three, he might need help during cold season. Which is fine by me. C'mon spring!