Thursday, July 16, 2015

Do this. Do that.

Little man is starting to follow directions and be helpful.  I love that about toddlers.  Some new moves are helping to clean up.  At least partially before deciding to dump out whatever we were cleaning up. Or putting his and big guy's lunch boxes into their school bag.  But the cutest one has been when he discovered a secret stash of single plastic bowls filled with apple jacks in the cupboard.  He held it up to me and I told him, "Go give it to big guy and he'll open it for you."  So, he shambles over to big guy, who then opens it.  Little man turns around, plops himself on the floor and shimmies  his booty into big guy's lap.  I look over and the two of them are sitting together eating apple jacks.  It was so freaking cute.

it's hot

Little man has this fascination with hot things, don't all little kids?  Anyway, there's a lot of talk about hot, being careful, blowing on food, saying ouchy, the usual.  However, a few days ago, little man started pursing his lips and blowing when I say something is hot.  In an attempt to cool it off and be helpful.  It's so incredibly precious. The first few blowing attempts are a bit filled with spit, but then he gets the hang of it.

Head nod

Over the weekend, little man started nodding his head yes or no to questions.  I first noticed it when I asked if he wanted something to snack on.  He vehemently nodded NO.  Which I thought was really cute.  Then I just started asking him random questions to think if he'd do it again. And he did.  And he started nodding YES. The yes is very deliberate and slow, whereas the no is very quick.  Guess which one he does more?

Dentist appointment

Last thursday the boys both had dentist appointments.  Big guy went first and had a great visit.  The two bottom teeth are the littlest bit loose, so within the next few months they should be falling out!  Tooth fairy here we come! No cavities.  Doing good work brushing and flossing- yes!  Toothpaste flavor choice was bubblegum.  Also, he had his first x-rays.  Very cool to see his baby teeth and then the big teeth right behind them.  Though the Dr told me that they look closer than they actually are!  Next up was little man who laid in my lap.  His teeth were looking good, too! Gums around the canines and molars were looking puffy.  He gave me a sympathetic look at the prospect of them all busting through.  We left with a bunch of toys, stickers, toothbrushes, floss, and toothpaste.  Overall, a great job by both boys!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

An extraordinary day

Yesterday when I picked big guy up from school, teacher L told me that he had an "extraordinary day!" Which is so super fabulous I can't even stand it.  I might have shed a few tears.  I'm just so happy that big guy loves going to school and that he is having a wonderful time.  Keeping in mind that this is "camp" more than school and he gets to go swimming everyday, but it's still amazing and exciting that he's having such a great time!