Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Down the Shore

The second weekend in july we went down the shore to Ocean city, nj and it was awesome!  We drove down saturday mid morning and little man napped.  Big guy played with his ipad mini (who we named Jorge while we were in NH a few weeks later!) We got there around noon.  We checked into the hotel, ate some lunch, and then hit the beach.  It was actually the most perfect beach day.  Mid 80's.  Not too hot in the sun.  Not too cold in the water.  Just perfect.  Hubs and big guy were out jumping big waves.  Little man and I were digging and getting splashed by the littler waves.  Just awesome.  We went back to the hotel to shower and get changed and then went to walk the boardwalk.  We ate dinner at manco manco's pizza, a staple of course.  Then had Kohl's custard for dessert.  Then randomly ran into a friend of mine on the boardwalk!  We slept well for sure.

The next day we took an early morning walk on the beach and big guy and I collected a ton of really great shells.  Then we got changed.  Little man and I went to the beach.  Big guy and hubs went swimming at the hotel's pool.   we met up around 10 at the pool and we all went swimming.  We packed up to go and little man passed out in the car while we were looking for a parking spot in a lot a block away from the hotel.  So instead of lunch on boardwalk, hubs and big guy got out and got a huge bucket of johnson's carmel corn and a big jilly's lemonade.  We munched and talked about how great a trip it was the whole way home!
 hubs on the balcony

 Little man and I on the balcony

 pizza for dinner

 My dear friend J- who we randomly saw on the beach

 View of sunrise from our balcony/room

 morning walk

 morning swim

 brother love

 asleep on ride home

look at all of our shells!

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