Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring break baby

It's spring break, finally! Hubs pointed out that my break is already half way over. Five days down, five to go. I'm ok with it. We are finally getting into a good groove. Saturday we went to dc to visit aunt M. The trip was less than successful , but more on that later. Monday we stayed home and relaxed. Lots of sleeping. Yesterday the weather was nicer so we played outside a lot. The took a disastrous trip to the duck pond. It was bad.

But today we hit our stride. It was practically hot out. We went to the park covered in sand and played for an hour. Then ate lunch outside and did a massive and much needed supermarket shop. Fell asleep. Which I have to say, big guy is so lovely when he sleeps. He really is out. But he lays in the same way he did as a baby. Hands tucked under his cheeks. Cute little groans and sighs. Then he starts moving his mouth like he is sucking on a binky. So precious and so what I need to remember to appreciate his loveliness and how lucky I am to be his mom. It was a lot to think about during the nap! Following nap, we went to get hubs from the train station and got dinner. Big guy ate like a champ. We've hit our stride and now we can enjoy the rest of our break!

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