Monday, December 22, 2014


Little man has been making some serious progress:

On Thursday little man got weighed and finally made it over 17 lbs! He was 17lbs 3oz. I mean, it was about time, we've been languishing in 16lb land for over 2 months.

Also, he's figured out sitting up, almost. He can sit up for a good 15-20 mins if he's engrossed in a toy or looking at something interesting. But he's still doing trust falls- where he will just fall over or in an attempt to go onto his belly, lands on his face!

He's a rolling machine! Essentially, he is wiggly and can squirm his way to what he wants. Very dangerous, but also very cute. It's so funny seeing them develop from rolling being a big production, to all casual and calm. And he loves jumping to his belly from sitting. Which in the past few days has gotten more steady. He occasionally will end up on hands and knees swaying back and forth. Hmmm, when will crawling start?

And our other big development has been food!! Little man is readily eating oatmealtwo times a day. One meal is usually plain while the other has applesauce, banana or sweet potatoes mixed in. Little man is not too into these foods, so we are moving slowly through them. Big guy was a little birdy with food, so I have to be more patient and creative. Funnily enough, little man loves my food, so maybe he will be more interested with self feeding. But his reactions to new flavors is awesome. He makes these dramatic faces and bodily shivers. Sometimes I just give him more just to see the faces. Cruel, I know. But he's finally liking apples and bananas. So, he'll get there!

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