Thursday, December 15, 2011

baby shower

on saturday, big guy and I went to a sort-of baby shower for my old boss. He actually did really well, but i think might have scared the parents to be. They commented on how much he moves. Um, he never stops moving. The kid moves around his crib when he's asleep. When I was pregnant with him, he never stopped moving. apparently baby still in utero is a mover too!

Big guy ate a great dinner after running around my friend's house for an hour like a crazy person, wanting to knock over every lamp, climb every piece of furniture, and saying hi every five minutes to the dog in the laundry room. Then he actually calmed for a little and watched tv with my friend's older kids- all while trying to torture their chinchilla which he kept trying to rattle the cage and meow at. It was cute except I think the chinchilla is going to need therapy, poor thing.

And we wrapped up the evening by taking a bath in another person's tub- always a thrill and getting into our PJ's for the car ride home. He was so well behaved- as in no horrific meltdowns, just his normal busy self. I hope we didn't scare the parents to be too much!

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