Tuesday, December 6, 2011

He's hanging from the rafters

Big guy has been a wild man the past few days. Anytime we have gone out to eat - he will sit for a few minutes, then go all crazy and want to hide under the table or run like a mad man through the restaurant. Hubs and I are back to eating one at a time so the other can run with the wild one. So- we've benched him for a while from eating out.

We had dinner at a neighbor's house on Sunday. She has six cats which were endlessly entertaining. He wouldn't sit still. We had turkey chili which he normally loves- big guy freaked and threw it all over the floor. He screamed every time a cat walked into the room. It was ugly- hubs took him home while we finished eating. Dessert was nice at our house though.

And to top off the wildness- we have a wagon wheel chandelier in our living room (hey- our house is rustic) anyway, big guy loves it and constantly wants to touch it. Hubs occasionally will hold him up to lightly caress it with his hands. I'm upstairs drawing a bath and I hear my name being screamed in a very serious way. I run downstairs and see hubs holding onto big guy who has some kind of monkey grip on the chandelier which is swaying in an unhealthy way. That's right, my child was swinging from the rafters- literally.

I know it is just a stage but it's very tiresome protecting him from the danger he seeks. Hmmm- what can I do right now to endanger my life? Launch myself over the back of the couch onto the hardwood floors with no thought of putting my feet down first? Geez- let the terrible two's begin!

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