Thursday, December 15, 2011

big toddler room

To make a long story short- I've been having issues with big guy's current room at school. I raised a huge fuss about the teacher and big guy has been transitioning early- read: whenever there is room, big guy is in the older toddler room. And we both love it!!!

In the big toddler room, big guy is given more responsibility- he's allowed to open the fridge, grab his cup, take a sip, and put the cup back. He is learning the new routine so well. This month's theme is things that go- big guy's specialty- boats (there is a water table), buses, trains (big guy's obsession), cars, planes, etc. It's awesome. He is eating lunch! He knows to go put grab his coat when it's time to go outside. And that is just after one week in the big toddler room.

The teachers LOVE him! Every time I walk in, they say hello and with no prompting start telling me about his day. How much fun he had, what they learned, how well he ate, how happy he is, how he's such a good boy. love them- and I don't even care that the director probably told them to say that to me. The other day when I left, one of the teacher's looks at me and says, "He's just such a great kid." And I agree- I mean finally he is having the school experience I want him to have.

And I can see the differences at home. He's pretty good at following directions, but when he's in the bigger room, it's reinforced that he needs to follow them, too. HE is ready for the experience to have more responsibility and learn new things- thriving :) Cute example, yesterday big guy emptied his milk cup. He walks to the fridge and puts the cup on the counter. He opens the fridge, takes out the almost full gallon of milk and puts it on the counter. Then he looks at me, like, c'mon woman, fill 'er up! Which I did. Then I asked him to put the milk back, which he did, just grabbed the milk, opened the fridge, and plopped it back in it's place.

And another thing I've noticed- he talks in the big toddler room. On his sheet for home they write down all the words he says in class, shoe, meow, car, choo choo, neigh (for a horse). He was so quiet in the other room. The teachers are so impressed with all he says and he is definitely chatting more at home, too. I'm just so thrilled that in January, he's in the big kid room for sure. Finally, in a good place!

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