Monday, October 15, 2012

trip to the ER

Friday morning at 3am, big guy woke up coughing.  Hmmm, he was getting sick.  Great... just in time for gmom Dino to visit.  By 4:30pm that afternoon there was snot and wheezing.  Upon another nebulizer treatment at 7:30 and bed, I was sure we were in for a rough night.  Big guy got up around 11pm coughing.  another round of neb and his diaphragm was bouncing up and down like a basketball.  I had him lying down next to me in bed and I could feel the bed moving.  Not good.  He passed out for a solid two hours, but them was up wheezing.  another neb around 2:45 and he was struggling big time.  We called the after hours nurse and she said to take him to the ER if his normal rescue medicine wasn't working.

So, at 4am we quietly went downstairs to where gmom dino was sleeping at let her know we were going to the ER.  If we were back in two hours, everything was fine.  If we were gone for six hours, it was really serious.  We got there and it was us and all the other parents with toddlers who were sick.  A very nice dr and some very nice nurses took care of us.  after waking up everyone in the ER when we were shoving medicine down big guy's throat- I kid you not, we have four nurses holding him down- he then puked it up.  And instead hubs made the executive decision to give him a shot of steroids.  ah, it might have woke him up, but we got home exactly at the two hour mark.

Big guy was awake all day continuing his neb of albuterol and steroids.  And he was munching happily on snacks and watching a good amount of tv.  Then around 5pm we were getting ready for dinner and big guy laid on gmom dino's lap and she started rubbing his belly.  within one minute, he was out!!  he slept on us until about 9pm and I nebbed him again and brought him to bed with us.  big guy was OUT until 6am the next morning, as were we!!  very impressive and he was in excellent spirits.  I'm happy to report that he is doing great!!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear everything turned out OK. Your Mom was looking forward to the visit. Grandma's magic hand!
