Monday, May 17, 2010

Birth Story

Here is how it all went down!
At our 38 week appointment, the Dr let me know that I was 3cm and 80% effaced already! Dr said she didn't think I would make it to our next appointment, let alone my due date. Great news, except there was a HUGE blizzard coming to the area. Luckily, no work for several days due to amount of snow and I laid low, meaning very little walking that would send me into labor. I was almost sure I was going to give birth on Valentine's Day, but no action.
Night of 39 week appointment I was making the hubs dinner and I wet my pants... or so I thought. I ran upstairs in complete horror and it happens again. I yell at hubs that I'm incontinent and will be forever. Good thing hubs was calm and yelled back that it was probably my water breaking! We grabbed our hospital bag and camera and went to the Obgyn office. After scaring all the preggo ladies in the office and the scheduler about how I refused to pee in the cup. We go into the room and the Dr checks and sure enough, I'm in labor and dilated to 5cm! Off to the hospital.
After getting off on the wrong floor, hubs and I make it to labor and delivery. We had a totally great nurse- who was with us the entire time, as we were there for 12 hours. I got hooked up to the machines and was able to walk around. Hubs watched all the Tuesday night tv shows as we progressed. We hadn't been up that late in a long time! By 11 o'clock I was 7cm and in need of an epidural. Up until 7cm, I was pretty OK with the pain, but then it was awful. Truthfully, I was terrified of the needle. The anesthesiologist came in and did the epidural- but it didn't work! He was pissed and so was I! Then he tried again and stabbed me during a contraction and I almost turned around and punched him. This 20 minute period was the only time I got punchy and started to get loud. Following the epidural, I felt great and took a much needed nap.
By 3am I was fully dilated and ready to push. I pushed for about 2 hours before the Dr came in. I was worried that I wouldn't know when to push, but I still felt the urge to. I gave a final few pushes and the big guy entered the world on 2/17/10 at 5:27am at a whopping 7lbs 15 oz and 21 inches long. He was loud and angry. His cry was described as lusty! And his feet barely fit on the cards with the ink, they were that big. Then they put him into my arms and I was filled with love and joy and amazement that this little person was all mine.
And that is how my big guy came into the world!

1 comment:

  1. I forgot about getting off on the wrong floor...sorry, I'll try to do better next time.
