Tuesday, May 4, 2010


So, we are almost at 11 weeks with the big guy and last night I actually dreamed! Whichmeans REM sleep. Two of the past three nights, he has slept in his pack 'n play from 8pm-5am! Amazing! He's gotten up a couple of times to eat and just to fuss, but it's a huge improvement. This morning in the shower I thought of the difference between not sleeping now versus not sleeping when I was pregnant. Pregnant sleep was hard- peeing constantly, can't lie anyway but on your side, and all of a sudden you're just awake. I'd take all of those in exchange for the overwhelming exhaustion of the past 2 months. The big difference is that now I'm actually doing something, instead of visiting the toilet- which I still do quite a bit of! Feeding, rocking, soothing, walking, oh the endless walking. Even if we have a good night or not, the smiles the next morning wipe away the sleepiness.

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