Thursday, February 2, 2012

Talking up a storm

Big guy has been talking up a storm recently. Which is totally awesome for multiple reasons. Obviously, being able to express some stuff he's been holding in, better comprehension on my part of what we are talking about, and further reassurance that he is rig on track developmentally. (which was totally going ok in my head until hubs said big guy should be talking more according to the CDC). Thanks hubs.

Anyway, as soon as I started freaking out, as in talking to every mother I know about my fears, writing a list of words big guy says, and getting my speech together of what to say to the dr at his two year appointment- big guy decides to bust out a major jump in language!

We want to the supermarket on Saturday- he busts out all kinds new words. Cracker after picking up a box of crackers. Cup when he wanted his drink. Blueberry which we snacked on throughout the trip. Later that night big guy was doing his naked sprints upstairs before bath time. Inevitably, he makes a pee pee puddle. He jumps up and down saying, "I pee!". Then he does a super cute dance move. We go to get some toilet paper to clean it up. Hubs asks where the pee pee is, big guy points at the grund and yells, "right there!"

And now he is saying, "I ..." to everything. I go, I pee, etc. big gy will say bye to the kitty, the choo-choos, dada! And the topper was on Monday when he was done brushing his teeth, hubs out it away. Big guy looked at hubs and said, "where did it go?" about his toothbrush. Whoa- big leap. There is still a lot of babbling of funny words together but they seem very serious now- like he's figuring it all out!

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