Sunday, May 6, 2012

first ice cream cone

big guy's first ice cream cone

big guy and hubs enjoying ice cream

Over the past two years, I've been baffled that big guy has been morally opposed to ice cream. that's right, a kid who doesn't like ice cream. sometimes he screams so much when we offer that it's like we are torturing him- bamboo under the fingernails anyone? but then we met Mr. Softee. the mr. softee truck has been frequenting our street. the music is so loud and gets in your head. When big guy hears it he starts screaming and just runs through the yard in search of the truck. it's hilarious. But let me back up. the first time we went was when gmom dino was with us. she asked if she could get big guy some ice cream, I said, he doesn't eat ice cream. so we agreed to share a cone. She ordered a chocolate custard with chocolate jimmies in a cone. dino walked away to go grab her money after ordering and mr. softee handed the cone to me. so, I had big guy in one arm and took the cone with the other. Then big guy looked at me and then the cone and took a huge bite. And surprise, mmmm, it was delicious! I think because it isn't very cold and has some yummy crunch with the jimmies. he ate about half the ice cream (dino and I helped to stop drips) and the entire cone himself. it was awesome! And we've gotten it a few times since then, though he's never eaten it was well as that first time. And I would really like the truck to come around 6-6:30 so it could be an after dinner snack, but oh well. It is almost summer anyway!

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