Sunday, September 16, 2012

And then he slept

I'm getting my little man back. He's feeling so much better. Besides a wicked cough when he wakes up from sleeping, he's really low on snot production and is eating again. Saturday was the big turn around day. He played all morning with us outside in his mud hole. Which we've nicknamed him the overbearing foreman of. Since big guy makes us dig in this mud hole. Mostly hubs has to do the back breaking hunched over mud dispersing tasks. Big guy screams at us in a funny way tout more water in, "more water." and then drags the hose over. It's hysterical. He's also not big into letting us have breaks. We really need a union for the amount of time hubs and I spend at this mud hole. Which we've nicknamed the glory hole.

Anyway, after hours there on Saturday morning. Big guy and I went over to the local toy store to buy a present for one of his friends who was having a bday party in the afternoon. The store has great selection and an awesome train table. Everything, we go, big guy is reinvigorated in his love for trains. We stayed for about a half hour before heading to go get hubs some lunch. Then upon returning home, we were back at the glory hole for another hour. After gulping down some yogurt by the train table, big guy and I went up for a nap. It was glorious- two hours!

We woke up and big guy was grouchy! But after a bit of boob tube while I wrapped the presents, we walked over to our friends house for the party. It was really fun! Big guy had a great time! He played with all the awesome toys inside and outside. And much to our joy, ate of his own free will. Mostly potato chips, cookies and some cheese quesadilla. He did awesome. Two hours later we walked home somehow with more stuff then we came with! We watched some puss and boots while munching on Hershey kisses!

Then it was bed time and I plopped the big man in and he slept until six thirty is morning! Tis is the first time he has done that since aunt M came to visit in July. It was glorious and probably explained why we had a great day today!

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