Friday, September 28, 2012

yard sale!

on saturday there was a block yard sale a couple of streets away from us.  Since hubs had some school work to do, big guy and I went scouting for more crap to fill our house with than we actually need.  Big guy and I started at the top of the block (I got attacked by mosquitos) and worked our way down.  We weren't too successful.  Everything was a big too big for our home.  I probably would have gone buck wild without big guy, but he was tired and in a foul mood.  So, we were mostly out for the walking.  The last house we hit was a mom and her two kids.  So, we managed to score some good kids items which are listed below:
1- 2 train books (flap book about counting and thomas book that all buttons still made noise)
2- book about animals that move where the pictures look like they are moving.  very cool.
3- a fake snake
4- a bag of assorted plastic dinosaurs
5- a bag of assorted plastic zoo animals
6- a bunch of messenger bags (someone hubs works with send totes and other free bags to India for school children to use as book bags- I think this woman should start a non-profit!)
7- 2 children's CD's

Grand total- $2.50!  Though I'm pretty sure this mom was going to throw out whatever wasn't sold.

Anyway, everything turned out to be in good condition once I wiped it down or washed with soap and water. The only great disappointment was one of the CD's, which was titled "Train Songs."  Perfect fit, no?  But upon popping into the car, it was one of the creepiest things I've ever heard.  Like some pervy-weirdo was singing and talking to us about making train noises.  Creepy.  I wanted to throw it out the window and run over it with the car. And then back up again for good measure.  And I am adamantly against littering.  Really, I just don't understand people who litter.  This CD was so creepy though, it deserved to be litter!  Overall, a successful adventure and it definitely tired big guy and I out. We took a two hour nap in the afternoon!

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