Friday, May 22, 2015

It all started Tuesday after naptime

I got a call right after little man had gotten up from his nap fr big guys school that big guy had woken up from his nap covered in hives and to please come get him! What?!?! Hives?!?! I grabbed little man and we got in the car, though we were about to go pick him up anyway. I called the drs office and asked that they call me back. Poor big guy was covered. Belly and back were almost one huge red splotch. His legs and groin were covered with big red dots. He was practically a lobster! And they were itchy. Not really fun but I wasn't overly worried. I knew he hadn't eaten anything new or been anywhere weird recently. I thought it was probably just some virus he picked up. Anywho, we went to vote and I spoke to the nurse at the drs office who agreed with my suspicions. She said Benadryl and hydrocortisone. Keep him loose and cool.

We voted and then went home. I popped in the chewable Benadryl and we put on a movie. On the way home, big guy told me that "tv will make me feel better." I couldn't agree more. We got home and had some dinner. Little man gave me a really hard time, all fussy and not wanting to eat. I felt his head and he felt really hot! I took out the thermometer and bam- 101.7! Poor buddy. Called the drs office. Again. Needed a refresher for fevers. Big guy never really had fevers as a baby except related to ear infections but the fever always went away with antibiotics. So, Tylenol for little man until the fever subsides.

With the two of them medicated, we went to bed. Little man tossed and turned a lot. Them got up at midnight and I gave him more Tylenol. Both boys stayed home with me on Wednesday. We took a short walk in the morning to the post office and dry cleaners, but mostly were inside taking it easy with our doses of medicine. Still both had symptoms, though not as bad. Neither one wanted to eat anything all day. Hubs came home in the afternoon so we could have a relaxing evening. Good work hubs! Wednesday night was a bit better. Big guy got up around 2am for some more Tylenol but then slept nicely until around 6:30.

I kept big guy home again on Thursday because he still had a few big hives though far less. Plus, I was too lazy to drive him over. Anyway, I had to take both boys to my eyebrow appointment. Little man sobbed the whole time while big guy tried to make him stop. It was not the best appointment to be sure. We then went to home goods to get some toys. I figure we all needed some fun. Big guy got a cute john deer tractor. Little man got a cute ball, little dump truck and an inflatable pool. Hey, his bday is Wednesday! Following that, we went home and had naptime. After a great but early nap, we went to get weighed at breastfeeding group. Little man is down a few ounces, either due to a day of not eating or the cut out noontime meal. T told me to cut the 9 am meal on his actual bday because then I can give him two cups of milk and that should bulk him back up! Big guy played with our neighbor little C during group. They colored so nicely.

Today, everyone had a wonderful nights sleep and big guy had no school. We went to music class, which for the first half big guy ran around like a psycho and got yelled at by me and both teachers! But then he settled and did a really nice job. We then had a picnic lunch with little C and they played nicely in the sprinkler with a few minor disasters. But a good time was had by all!! We then went home for naptime which was an epic fail as no one napped! I finally gave up and we went to the duckpond. Btw, the ducks definitely prefer bagels over cracked corn. Felt so lame. We we home all exhausted and cranky. Got food into everyone and them hubs mercifully came home and I got a much needed break! Thank goodness it's now a 3 day weekend!!

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