Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sensitive skin

Big guy is getting to the age and size (considering he wears 18 month clothing) where we are leaving the world of onesies and moving into the world of t-shirts. Sniff, sniff. I am truly sad. It's not that I will desperately miss those fun crotch snaps. In fact, it's very hard to chase a toddler while trying to snap them! It's just that he looks so darn cute running around in just a onesie. And I always feel secure that even if his diaper is a bit loose, the onesie will hold it somewhat in place.

Not so much with a t-shirt. Some advantages to t-shirts I've discovered... very easy to slip over the head, really cute designs- I recently bought one that says, "Sly as a" and then there is a pic of a fox! hehe. And one of the best things about t-shirts if that big guy's delicious belly is always available for a rub. It's so soft and warm, and so rub-able!

So, what's my biggest issue with t-shirts?? I'm afraid that big guy has inherited hubs's sensitive skin. That's right, hubs has sensitive skin. It gets irritated by anything- mostly from being in proximity to me- or so hubs would claim! Kidding. But big guy had just a t-shirt on the other day and when I went to change him for bed, his belly had little dots and was all red. Like he had gotten a minor case of rug burn- which could be true, he's insanely active. It happened again the other day and ah-ha, it makes me feel better to at least give a reason. It's definitely on my list for his 15 month appt. As is the discussion about starting discipline. Bum, bum, buuum!

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