Thursday, January 12, 2012


big guy got bit this week. I know, I know, not again! The assistant director called me and said he got bit and that the bite may have broken the skin. Oh great. I called the Dr and they said if it broke the skin, they had to see him. damn, we had gone so long without having to go there.

Anyway, I'm driving to get big guy and getting myself all worked up. By the time I get there, I've got the whole conversation in my head how I want it to go. Big guy got bit b/c he reached for someone else's cup.

What I wanted to happen- I go in, tell them that big guy and this other kid need to be separated at meal times, they obviously agree and swear they will keep a better eye on my son.

OK, here is what actually happened:

I got storming into the room and the assistant director sees me and follows me in the room. I look at the teacher and start my tirade.
Me: "Big guy and this kid can't sit near each other during meal times. It's not acceptable that he got bit... TEacher cuts me off."
Ms. M: "Actually, big guy was on his cot and got up, walked across the room and took the kid's cup!"
Me: "Oh, oh. I didn't realize that big guy got up off the cot."
In my head, "Oh crap, I'm a crazy person!"

Then I spent the next ten minutes chatting b/c I didn't want to leave on a crazy note. Following the smoothing out, we went over to the dr's office. big guy's arm was fine, the dr said he gets to keep it! And she checked his tubes for me, still pretty and green and in place. She also weighed him- 34 delicious pounds! And now I have to set up big guy's two year appt!

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