Friday, February 4, 2011

He's discovered his dingle

The big guy has discovered his penis. It's the last unexplored body part. Hands, feet, toes, legs, hair, and now, the groin area. Big guy has this habit of crawling around naked a lot- ok, I slightly encourage it and think it's really cute. He has earned the nickname- Mr. Naked. The other day we were doing some naked standing, nothing unusual and the big guy looked down, saw it, and then grabbed it.

Then I exclaimed, "that's your penis!" He looked at me then back down. We then proceeded to take a bath and as he was sitting, he spotted it again. He grabbed for it again, and I yelled, "Yes, that's your penis!" He was way more interested in what it was doing down there, then anything I had to say. But, the self discovery continues. And this is just the beginning of touching, talking about, thinking about the penis. Boys! how do they walk around with those things!

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