Friday, February 4, 2011

Object Permanence

HEY HEY! I'm back, sort of. To find out about my adventure (which sucked) and my absence from writing- stay tuned for the post- "It could have been worse."

In the meantime, more griping about daycare? No, but something funny. Last week I went to pick up big guy and on his little clip chart was his summary of the day, in the first person! And a "skills analysis"!!!! Much like when they gave me the list of finger foods with poptarts at the top, I perused quickly and then threw it into my coat pocket while trying to escape quickly.

I get home and we are eating our afternoon snack when I finally take a look at it. Listed at the top are all the awesome skills they say the big guy has- very verbal, moves a lot, good hand/eye coordination, etc. Then it has a section of stuff he should be mastering over the next few months. This is the part that cracks me up, b/c they have all this stuff listed that he does at home, but I guess doesn't do for them.

Example- hold his own sippy cup. At home, he picks up his cup and drinks whenever he's thirsty during a meal. In fact, he chugs water when he eats cheese, which is like every night. the kid is a cheese lover! Ok, no big deal. But then it says he has to work on object permanence. Now, I'm pissed. He obviously knows that things don't disappear when they are out of sight. Take anything he is playing with and put it behind your back, he moves to the side to find it. WTF! But then I think, maybe big guy is being a bit passive aggressive too????

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