Thursday, August 11, 2011

School is starting

The new school year is upon us. Big guy and I went to his school to visit his new classroom. I was a little worried bc whenever I take big guy into his school he would freak out. But I was pleasantly surprised when we walked in and said hi to the director and he smiled! I chatted with C the director and got all the paperwork I needed to fill out. We then took a walk to his new room.

On the way we ran into his old teacher (who I absolutely loved) and big guy was so excited to see her. He was bouncing in my arms and squealing with delight. He actually wanted to be put down so he could check out the over kids who were going for a buggy ride. Hmm- maybe I was projecting his freaking out. He seemed fine!

We made it to his new class- Ms. A is his new teacher. She's totally fabulous. Big guy carefully walked over to see all the cool toys they had and played quietly while I spoke with his teachers and watched the kids doing heir activity. And all was going well until some two year old whapped bug guy on the head with a truck. Big guy of course started sobbing. Poor thing. I barely managed not to shove the kid onto the floor. After soothing big guy and moving him away from the big kid- one of his former classmates poked him in the eye! Oy!

Well- it was going well until his injuries. We left soon after bc he wouldn't stop sobbing. I was assured the big two year old was moving to he big toddler class next week. Whew. I'm not too freaked out but I still worry- of course! The room was small- big guy is used to having open spaces. There wasn't any art on the walls- will he get to paint/color freehand. How long will it take him to get back into he flub and tumble world of toddlers at school? I know he will be fineand have a good time. It's just that we've been having a really good time too!

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