Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mommy's helper

big guy has been a big help to me this week with... cooking! Do I have a budding chef on my hands, possibly. But I definitely have a little buddy to help. It all started when I was making some banana bread muffins last week. Big guy was very interested in the bananas to begin with. Then he wanted to see what I was up to. So, he helped me measure the sugar. And actually dipped the measuring cup into the flour!

Last night I was making chili with ground chicken. big guy helped me add the chopped peppers to the pot- very carefully away from the heat. He was surprisingly thorough in picking up each and every straggler-pepper. I love this new interest in cooking. He already loves shopping for food, but now he's going to be even more invested in helping make dinner and thus in eating it!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for stuff like this. Fun!! When Adam and I have our silly conversations about what we would like Jay to be when he grows up (like we have any say) we always agree on chef :)

    At the very least we hope he learns how to cook for himself!!
