Sunday, November 20, 2011

get off my purse

THis was the line I heard for most of my childhood from my mom (gmom Dino). She always had a black purse with a long strap that hung to her waist. And it happened to be just the right height for my sis and I to pull, hang on, grab when we needed her. And she would say, get off my purse. I never really understood why it bothered her so much, until I had a toddler.

Big guy is in some kind of super clingy phase. He will run over and raise his arms while grunting to be picked up. and if I don't pick him up, he'll grab onto my legs and hang on me. If I'm wearing pj bottoms, he will actually pull them down sometimes b/c he's hanging on that hard. When he does that I'll let him pull them all the way down and then step out of them! Then he's all annoyed on the floor with a pile of pants. Probably not nice but it does make me laugh.

He just wants to be on me all the time. And on the one hand, I love all the snuggles- he gives the best hugs. But then sometimes, I'm just like, GET OFF! stop grabbing at me, hanging on me, whining when you aren't on me, just let go! ah, that felt good. I know the time for him to want to hug and love me will be short lived- at least this is what I tell myself to get through the times when I feel like running away and perhaps replacing myself with a giant stuffed monkey. Damn- can't afford a giant stuffed monkey!!!

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