Sunday, November 6, 2011

yummy dinner

Tonight for dinner we had Chicken Divan- or at least my sis-in-law/Aunt K's recipe, which might be one of the grossest meals to make but taste the yummiest! I've had a craving for it recently b/c I had been thinking about when big guy was born. I know this might sound bad, but the first few weeks were really hard and awful. Until we got a hold of the whole breast feeding thing and started getting a little bit more sleep- it was essentially a nightmare.

Most of the horror I have blocked b/c it's too painful to think about (people have told me this is necessary to happen so you can have another one!). But I have this really great memory of Aunt K coming over with Uncle E and cousin C and bringing over two huge pans of Chicken Divan served with buttered noodles. It was the light I needed to get me through. I'm pretty sure hubs and I ate it for a week straight for like every meal.

So I got the recipe and made it tonight. mmm, it was just as good as I remember- probably better b/c this time big guy got to chow down-which he did. At the end he was just shoving handfuls of food into his mouth. He wasn't too crazy about the broccoli spears- but I think broccoli is an acquired taste, I"m not too worried- he'll figure out how delicious it is soon enough! It's definitely too fattening to eat every once in a while, but when I need a pick-me-up, it's now on my list!! And as a funny aside- hubs has no memory what-so-ever eating this meal during that first week!

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