Friday, July 30, 2010


So, this week has probably been the worst week we've had since those horrible first two weeks. Big guy decided last Friday to stop napping. Instead, he cries, screams, and essentially freaks out with any attempt I make at getting him to rest. Being put in his crib pisses him off, being rocked in my arms pisses him off, laying down next to me in bed pisses him off, the swing really pisses him off, and walking in the stroller keeps him quiet but not asleep.
Thus we've been taking a lot of car rides this week! We run errands, drive through the pricey neighborhoods and look at mansions, drive for a few minutes until we fall asleep while I sit in the driveway and read. It's rather pathetic. On the one hand I'm ok with it b/c he needs to sleep. He's so grouchy and tired. However, I'm afraid of making him only be able to sleep when we are driving places. It's a fine line of craziness!
The only positive about this is that he's been sleeping like a champ at night. Like eleven and a half hours! Which is really nice. When we went to BF group the LC T said to keep doing what I was doing and he'll eventually get back to normal. And that he doesn't know that even when he gets a good night, he still needs to nap. Silly baby! Now you can see why I haven't written about this. Driving in car all day is time consuming, can't type very well when I've been crying, and entertaining grouchy baby is a full time job! Also, I was hoping to not have to write about it. Here's to napping- I'm all for it!

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