Friday, September 30, 2011

first sentence

on friday, hubs and big guy were home together. And contrary to the texts with pics I got throughout the day, I still picture the two of them running around the house with underwear and undershirts yelling incoherently with joy. I'm sure it happens at some point. The day went very well- full throttle fun. And something new happened (do we believe it?)

Big guy has been talking a lot lately. Stringing together all of his favorite words- choo choo, bye bye, car (said with a boston accent), uh-oh! he'll say them in any combination. It's so precious. He's even been talking in his sleep. he'll roll over and say "choo choo." So I've been thinking that this whole saying sentences thing might be starting soon. Hubs texts me that it has happened. The first sentence was: I want to go! And then big guy pointed outside.

and of course this happens under hubs's watch- which means I won't get to hear it for a while. Just like when big guy learned to roll over. geez. Oh well, at least we are starting this complex world of sentencing!

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