Tuesday, September 13, 2011

No lunch for you

Big guy has decided he doesn't really want to eat anymore. Sigh, he was such a good eater. And occasionally still is but I definitely am thinking back fondly to when I could anything in front of this kid and he was ready to rock and roll. I think it has to do with being back at school. He refuses to eat his yogurt. So, he's mostly eating snacks, which drives me crazy. Not that I can do too much about though.

I've tried sending some yummy italian meats- thrown to the floor and apparently at other kids. I've tried sending grilled chicken strips- ignored. I've even sent a go-gurt (portable yogurts) and I think he ate it, but they are so full of sugar! The only thing he did eat were some leftover four cheese ravioli. Tomorrow I'm sending leftover turkey meatballs, which are usually a guarantee, but he only ate half of one tonight. Sigh again.

And for some reason, it's trickled into dinner time. More often than not, big guy is eating yogurt for dinner while hubs and I eat the real dinner. it's just so frustrating. Maybe it's a tummy thing- he did have diarrhea today and major diaper rash. Maybe it's a toddler thing. The good thought I have is that he's solid, so I'm not too concerned that he's going to melt away!

1 comment:

  1. oh, welcome to the club. Just wait until he gets to the Will Only Eat White-Coloured Food (plain yogurt, plain rice, plain pasta, plain bread, etc.)...
    It's a phase. My survival tactic: give the kid a multi-vitamin and move on with the day. :)
