Sunday, January 9, 2011

Baby's first shoes

The daycare that big guy attends has a carpeted and tile area in his room. We knew it was a matter of time before big guy was going to need real shoes. Well, they kept telling hubs last week that the time had come. Real shoes, that means he's growing up.

We headed over to the stride rite, who make shoes for babies. We walk in and in true big guy style he starts flirting with the saleslady! She asks me about what the big guy is up to. Is he cruising? Yes. For how long? At least two months. Time for real shoes! No baby slippers. Ok...

We pick out two pairs and go sit down. Due to his boats he is a size 5.5. Hehe. We put on the first pair and they fit! But then big guy proceeds to do the "no bones" move. Which hubs and I made up when our nephew was a baby. The no bones is when kids fall to the floor like their bones have disappeared. so, big guy does the no bones move and we proceed to get him to at least stand in them.

He has since been wearing them for the partial day at daycare. And when he has them on, he won't move his feet as soon as I pick him up. it's pretty hilarious.

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