Sunday, January 23, 2011

Wee Gillis

We had an awesome weekend! Filled with lots of laughter, naps, awesome eating, and just so much fun! Saturday hubs was proctoring the SATs, so big guy and I hung out and relaxed. We went to visit hubs during testing and then had lunch after at our favorite pizza place. Big guy also took his first bite of white pizza- he loved it! Mozzarella, ricotta, crust, and garlic! mmmm.

Then on sunday, it was really cold- like code blue- 7 degrees was the high overnight. So, we hung out inside. But it was an awesome day. Big guy was in such a good mood. It is wonderful to see how happy a kid he is. And he loves to play and eat- we had mini turkey meat loaves for dinner. he gobbled them up!

As we were getting ready for bed, hubs was reading a book we got when big guy was born, called "Wee Gillis." The tale of a young Scottish lad who was nicknamed Wee Gillis. Wee Gillis had to decide if he should spend his life in the highlands hunting deer or in the lowlands herding cows. A very serious decision. Through 30 pages of bizarre storyline and the over use of the word "relations," we came to the end. Wee Gillis decides to live in the middle and spend his days playing Scotland's largest bagpipes. Seriously, I couldn't make this up.

As the story is closing, big guy gets really excited, he's laying in our bed, while hubs is standing and reading in his best Scottish accent. When big guy does some really fast leg kicks and hits hubs in the crotch! And then hubs yells out, "Oh Sh*t, my Wee Gillis!"

About five minutes later, after I stopped laughing, we got big guy ready for bed. But every few minutes I just burst into giggles.

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